Another problem?

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"Another problem?" Hongjoong looked almost done with these two.

"I had girlfriends back in high school, It's probably gonna traumatize him."

"He's a guy, I'm sure his mind is already filled with porn. But, I get what your saying. I'm still shocked he's a virgin." Hongjoong added more fruits to the cart he's carrying. He looked around to see if the others catch up to them, but it seems there're still stuck in the meat isle.

Wooyoung leaned against the stacked apples. "How do you deal with one of us seeing your most intimate moments?"

Hongjoong put his cart down to rest his hands. "I live with it. Some guys laugh it off or make fun of it to ease the awkwardness. That's what Seonghwa did."

Wooyoung said nothing. He picked up the cart for him.

"You could make it a learning-" Hongjoong suggested quietly.


Hongjoong dropped some lemons in the cart. "Now it's between you idiots, on how to approach this. I do suggest not mentioning it for awhile if he's conservative about it, which sounds unlikely but we don't know."

"I get why he's so weird about tattoo, now." Wooyoung muttered in understanding.


Since their building is nearby, they walked back home lugging groceries bags wrapped around their wrists. Lately, Wooyoung would walk next to Jongho but he feels now maybe it's best to let it go, like Jongho originally wanted.

He went ahead of him to join San, not noticing Jongho's bewildered face, as he's watching them chatting.


(Completed) Hidden Under Makeup (Wooyoung & Jongho) (Ateez)Where stories live. Discover now