Changbin visit

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A day of arcade, food, movie and no members to worry about. He missed this. All he needed to think about was himself and family. Those days were easier.

"So, how's your brother doing? Last time we spoken he was in the military." Changbin asked as they're waiting for their food.

Wooyoung smiled at the memory of his phone call. "He's getting married soon, I'm trying to make it in time for his wedding ceremony."

"Congrats man!" Changbin banged his beer glass against his before chugging it down.

"How's Hyunjin?" Wooyoung asked. He felt slightly envious they're able to speak so freely telepathic without a sweat.

Changbin grinned. "He's helping out Chris with our lyrics right now, very busy over there." His expression turned to concern. "You need a suit, right? You kept looking at one we passed by earlier."

"No, I can get-" He got interrupted.

"Just take mine, It's been collecting dust plus it'll be my apart of my wedding gift." Changbin waved his hand in dismal with alcohol lingering in his breath.

"I'll pay you back. Another debt added on my list." Wooyoung smiled gratefully.

Two days later the group went to a cheaper suit clothing store than the one he and Changbin came across.

"Why are we here clothes shopping?" Jongho gave a weird look at being shoved more suits in his arms at the dressing room. "This is your Hyung's wedding, I can't come."

Hongjoong came out of a different room with a suit on.

"I look professional!" San's voice came from the other side of door.

Wooyoung tried to make him feel guilty. "Why you have something else better to do?"

"No, I've never met your Hyung, like the others have." Jongho tried giving back the suits but Wooyoung took a step back.

"My parent's wanted to see all of you. It'll go by quick, plus they're serving steak." Wooyoung lied. He only ask for their invites to see his reaction to his Hyung kissing the bride. His parents don't care they're coming since it's a big day.

Jongho sighed as he closes the door.

Wooyoung wonders if everyone else is curious about his reaction as well or forgotten about it.

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