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Wooyoung still can't believe they told him his butt would be slapped for the viewers. His parents he received it from in a blue moon but from another guy was odd to process.

What's more painful than not able to sit for a few minutes was Jongho must feel powerful than the mangers usually portray his ego. But, alas he has no room to complain since he loves his singing job.

Even tho it's been twenty minutes, he can still feel the impact or overthinking it. He locked himself in the bathroom to get rid of his burning face, he hopes it's not a fever coming on and only feeling a bit embarrassed.

The door knocked. Yeosang's voice sounded out from outside. "Are you almost done?"

Wooyoung shut off the water. He touched his cheeks which is still burning. "Yeah, I'm done." He unlocks the door for him.

Yeosang sighed in relief. "Great, I was waiting forever-" He blinks at him. "You look weird, maybe I shouldn't use the bathroom."

Wooyoung had enough. "I wasn't doing anything. I never did. Who ever started that ridiculous rumor knows nothing about my stomach problems-!"

"Okay, sorry I didn't ask." Yeosang moved past him to close the door.

Wooyoung grumbled. He thought defending himself would make him feel better but it felt worse. He went to bed deciding to sleep it off.


He must be dreaming. He can't be in a hospital bed when he was just home taking a nap, what happened??

He heard a doctor come into his room with someone else. He turned his head to them.

"Ah, your finally awake." The doctor beamed. He took a seat by his small monitor.

The other person to his surprise is Jongho who's eating cup ramen. He expected their leader or manager to be here.

"You seem confuse." The doctor pointed out he rolled his chair closer to the bed.

Jongho stood by the doorway still eating peacefully.

Wooyoung looked baffled at him til the doctor explained.

"Nothing serious, you just need more fluids in your system. Tho, we should talk about your stomach-"

Wooyoung eyes widen. "Wait, can we talk privately?"

Doctor turned to look at Jongho. "Young man, do you mind stepping out?"

Jongho looked hesitant but listened anyway and left them.


The drive back home was silent. Wooyoung couldn't fathom why Jongho of all the members, visit him rather than go to stores or visit park before they won't get the chance months later.

He glanced at Jongho texting on his phone. They must be busy with a live and ordered their manke to update them.

Wooyoung rested his head on the window sal watching the cars pass by through his reflection.

"So, he's pregnant?"

Wooyoung swiftly turned his head to Jongho. He quirked a smile. "What?"

Jongho now looked cautious hiding his phone. "I was reading a text out loud from San. We're joking around."

"That is funny." Wooyoung tried to lighten the mood but Jongho went back to his phone.

It's gonna be a party of gossip when they get back home He secretly wonders if the guys are trying to cheer him up, for his own fantasy. He knows it's just a job.

(Completed) Hidden Under Makeup (Wooyoung & Jongho) (Ateez)Where stories live. Discover now