Banned from gym

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Going to the gym with a back problems is a stupid idea, especially the other member might taunt in his own kind way to leave before he embarrass himself.

Jongho jogging on treadmill with headphones on oblivious which is good actually, it saves the awkwardness.

Wooyoung looks around to see which is the most least excruciating to deal with. The bicycle looks fun.

He climbs on before putting on his BTS songs on random playlist. He hasn't ridden on one of these since he was a kid.

After two songs, he took notice of Jongho leaving the treadmill. He turned his eyes downward at the music video playing in little screen.

"What are you doing here?" Jongho asked with widen eyes now standing next to him. Dripping in sweat.

Wooyoung pressed paused on the video. He turned his head sideway. "Hi."

Jongho rubs his face with the towel hanging around his neck. He muffled in the towel.

Wooyoung tilts his head. "I can't hear you."

Jongho looked up at him with an annoyed expression. "I said you're gonna have trouble getting off with your bad back. Are you that selfish coming down here to mess up my routine?"

Wooyoung rested his arms on the handlebars. "No, I was just curious about working out. This gym isn't only yours."

Jongho didn't seem to like that response. "Fine, let the hyungs get a good laugh. That's all you ever do lately." He left.

It's been awhile since they spoken. Harsh or not, he's grinning like an idiot until he gets up from this position.


"How's your back?" Seonghwa asked sitting on edge of his bed.

Wooyoung laid down on his side with belt attached around his stomach. He now regrets stepping into the gym. He asked bitterly. "You lost a bet to come visit me like this?"

"No, I actually was worried. We all were when Jongho told us."

Wooyoung plastered a smile. "Thanks for coming man."

Seonghwa gave him a look 'I know you don't mean that.' He bent over to fluff his pillows for him. "Even tho we tease you mankes a lot, we still care about your health."

"Sounds scripted." Wooyoung poked his side.

Seonghwa admitted. "Okay, I'm practicing for my live tomorrow."

"Ah, that makes more sense." Wooyoung cracked a genuine smile. His smile fell once Seonghwa squeezed his nose.

"Go back to that gym again and see where you'll end up."

Wooyoung shook his head. He never seen SeungHwa pissed off directly at him before. Scary.

SeungHwa lets go with a false grin. "Kay good, get well." He leaves before closing the door behind him.

(Completed) Hidden Under Makeup (Wooyoung & Jongho) (Ateez)Where stories live. Discover now