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The big day is here.

As Wooyoung expected they were running slightly late due to directions and parking. So far, the bride hasn't made her appearance yet while everyone is mingling.

The group dispersed except Jongho since he knew nobody there besides his bandmates, he stick to Wooyoung as he chatting with Changbin.

"My suit fits you well." Changbin nods touched the sleeve.

Wooyoung beamed. "Thanks again, I'm surprised you aren't busy today."

"I'll be leaving once they serve the food. Chris got our manger to agree me being here for a little while." He walked passed him to put his small present among the other taller ones.

Wooyoung gave a 'oh brother' look behind him. He already knows its free tickets to their concert even tho he already told him, his Hyung isn't a fan of hip hop or pop music.

"I'll uh go mingle, later." Jongho waved at Wooyoung, who waved back. He left him alone with the guests.

Wooyoung tilts his head. He decides to follow until Changbin puts a hand on shoulder.

"Don't tell me your gonna be watching like a hawk, acting all jealous and moody everytime he speaks to somebody." Changbin teased.

"I'm not." Wooyoung sniggered at the ridiculous accusation. He's just didn't want Jongho to feel out of place.

"Then, leave the guy alone. Cmon, lets go look for the groom!" Changbin lead Wooyoung.


After a few minutes of looking around they spotted the groom with Jongho, both seem to be laughing at a joke.

Wooyoung blinks profusely, until Changbin hit his arm slightly to snap out of it.

"WooYoungie!" His Hyung walked over and gave him a big hug. He grinned down at him. "I haven't seen you in years!" He messed up his hair that stylist took twenty mintues to do.

He didn't complain since it's his Hyung's special day.

Their parent's caught his eyes. His Hyung called them over. "Eomma, Appa!"

He wonders if he has to introduce him to them-oh wait he's gone again.

Wooyoung sighs in relief.


An hour later everyone sitting down watching the bride giving her vows. He's really proud of his brother to found her. After retirement he'll probably start looking for a beautiful lady, but now it's been hectic with his schedule.

Sometimes, he missed being in the game.

He glanced at Jongho beside him who's watching the bride with neutral expression. The point of their relationship was to speak telepathic, share feelings and help one another. It ensures your not alone if you never end up with a lover.

He goes to poke his elbow, until he got startled by Jongho swiftly moved his head down away from the bride. Wooyoung looked up to see them kissing in front of the audience. This is gonna be worrisome.

(Completed) Hidden Under Makeup (Wooyoung & Jongho) (Ateez)Where stories live. Discover now