Revealed a different secret

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Many drama's Wooyoung can remember is that being drunk can lead to a bonding time plus a sweet revelation. But, in his case it led to a nightmare. It could've been ten times worst, but still finding out Jongho is a virgin, twisted his insides more.

He didn't want to hear that, even if it was the liquor.

"You only kissed his cheek, quit beating yourself up." Yeosang commented. He moved his shoulder to get his attention.

Wooyoung moved closer to the wall not wanting the other to see his face.

"Do you want to see the camera, since you don't believe me?" Yeosang asked.


"Good, then get over it. Awhile back, It happened to San too. We deal with fan service thing a lot, it sometimes stays with us. No one is judging you, except you."

"How's Jongho?" Wooyoung asked quietly.

Yeosang pats his shoulder. "He's living life, probably brushed off the whole thing. Which is what you should be doing." He gives up trying to reassure him and left the room.


It's refreshing to not be the one everyone talks about in front of you. But, he feels bad they're talking about his virginity. It's nothing to be ashamed about most guys he know back in high school have busy lifestyles.

He frowns in pity as Jongho held a poker face while eating at their breakfast table. He wants to comfort him, but at the same time hide in a hole, since he screwed up as well.

"I remember my-" San got interrupted by Jongho leaving the table with a moody expression. "What's wrong with him, now?"

"Probably jealous." Mingi sniggered.

San laughed. "He gonna miss out tho." He continued his conversation adding details, Wooyoung didn't care to stick around for.

Wooyoung silently followed Jongho at distance not to get spotted, he didn't want to talk, only be in his company.

Naturally, as he expected they went to the gym.

He stood by the corner as Jongho sat on seat where one lifts the weights. Jongho rubbed the bridges of his nose. "Why are you here?"

Wooyoung bit his lip before walking to him. He sat on back side of seat to not watch his downcast expression much longer. "I came to just rebel against Seonghwa's banning me from coming here." He then admits. "Truthfully, I'm not a guy thats into comforting."

"Neither am I."

Wooyoung turned slightly to see his backside. "I can be."

"I rather talk about anything else besides that. Stupid as it sounds." Jongho bitterly muttered.

"Okay, then I'll tell you about the stomach issues I haven't told anyone." Wooyoung swallowed. He hopes Jongho won't tell the others when he's back to his normal self.

To his surprise, Jongho looked at him with his full attention.

Wooyoung chuckled awkwardly not use to his eyes on him. "Please, don't tell the guys."

Jongho nods.

Wooyoung sighed before scratching his head. "Um, so it's explosive diarrhea." He cracked a smile as Jongho burst our laughing.

"Better not tell, you know how many jokes they'll torture me with, every time I'm in restroom?"

(Completed) Hidden Under Makeup (Wooyoung & Jongho) (Ateez)Where stories live. Discover now