After party

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Wooyoung eyes opened slowly to a sleeping Jongho beside him. His eyes immediately flew opened almost ended up screaming his lungs out.

Now, he's more awake he raised the comforter to check himself for clothes on before looking over Jongho's side next. Still same clothes since yesterday.

Wooyoung clutched onto his heart as if it stopped beating for a second.

|I can't move.|

Wooyoung snapped his eyes to Jongho who's still motionless. Was he calling him for help? This man, is he hearing things?

He scooted to Jongho's side anyway. He whispered worriedly. "Are you paralyzed?"

No response.

Wooyoung decided to shake him awake roughly."Ya! Wake up you're not suppose to be in the same bed with someone!"

He sighed relief at Jongho waking up. "Why were you here last-"

He couldn't finished his question since Jongho fled out of the bed and rushed to the bathroom door before he slammed it shut.

Since, Jongho's awake Wooyoung was able to get memories of what happened last night.

"Crazy virgin shouldn't be listening to a drunken person's rambles." Wooyoung muttered groggy under his breath as he's feeling the effects of hangover from both of them.

A small part of him felt honored that Jongho trusted him drunk to be here, than sleep with Yeosang in guest room.

Which he should've done since there's two beds.

Wooyoung rubbed the bridges of his nose. Jongho risked sleeping here to overcome his trouble thoughts, what a stupid thing to do.


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