Chapter 56. Laba porridge is in the twelfth lunar month, selling glass

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Chapter 56. Laba porridge is in the twelfth lunar month, selling glass

    With the Spring Festival approaching, it is the twelfth lunar month, and even the town of Quantan in the middle of the night is filled with the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year.

    The roadside is full of red lanterns, not even on the stone bridge. Small lanterns hang on the bridge. The wind at night is cold, with the breath of the ocean.

    And Quantan Town is lively, as if boiling water is pouring out of people who can't sleep, carrying packages on the street, with children jumping around, or driving horses, slowly avoiding the crowd, from Pass on the stone bridge.

    Jiang Zhaoci breathed out with ht hands, rubbed his two frozen hands, and her nose was flushed red by the wind.

    Even in a tropical town, when winter enters, there will be significant temperature differences at night.

    Xiao Qingyuan was hugged by Lin Gu. After a while, she slept for a while, and now she opened her eyes wide, looked in front of her curiously, and stretched out her little hand to pick off the lantern in front of her.

    Yang Qing'an and Yang Fu, who were still children, were originally drowsy, but after getting off the boat, they saw the street full of red and the people walking on the bridge. They had never seen such a lively and lively scene. Scene, two children winking, wanting to remember the moment.

    There is no sleepiness at all, and they feel that two eyes are not enough at all. Look here, look there, where is the dullness from before.

    "The days in the mountains are so leisurely and clean that I forgot that today is Laba. It's really useless when people are old." Uncle Bai stretched out his dry fingers and patted his head.

    For today's trip, he took out all the clothes at the bottom of the press box and put them on. The spirited old man was wearing vermilion clothes, which made his face ruddy, which was quite suitable for the occasion.

    Wang Qi and Qi Kang, two big boys, carried a box of glass carefully, for fear of accidentally bumping into something, they really wanted to cry without tears.

    Both of them are over 20 years old, have yet to get married, and have no parents. If they don't have any money, it will be really miserable. They are counting on this glass to sell for a good price, so in their hearts I they're extremely grateful to the Jiang Zhaoci family.

    He also works very hard at ordinary times. He does not touch the ground all day long, and learns some mason skills from Zhang Bo.

    A group of people were walking on the street, and the little brother of the Bureau of Cooked Medicine and Huimin called them to stop.

    "Come here, ladies and gentlemen, this is the wax medicine made by our pharmacy. It contains eight gods, Tusu, Hutoudan and other medicinal materials. No money is charged. I just hope that next year everyone will be free from diseases and the world will be clear and bright."

    The little brother smiled and distributed the wax medicine packed in red cloth bags to everyone one by one, with auspicious words on his lips. On this chilly night, he shivered from the cold, but he was still dutifully dividing the wax. medicine.

    "There are monks from Ganming Temple in front of me who come to distribute Laba porridge. If Mrs. Lang Jun feels the cold is unbearable, she will eat a bowl and keep  her whole body warm." Take the wax medicine and attach it to the body.

    Doctor He is the happiest. He usually has no sense of existence, and his face is wrinkled when he smiles. When he is a doctor, he just wants to see that people in the world are free from diseases, and the medicine is dusty.

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