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My name is Elizabelle Marston. Yes I am John Marston's younger sister. I am half white half native American. My mother died after giving birth to me. My father hated me for it and did barely the essentials to keep me alive. John and I ran away when I was just 6 years old after dad had beat me for spilling a cup of milk. John said it would be safer for us to just leave. He pack us a bag and we ran away.

We learned to survive on very little, and learned how to steel to get food when we needed to. We had found an old abandoned house that we slept in. John learned to pick pocket when he was small.

We sometimes stole pies from windows in the homes without fences. It was late one night and I had been sick with a cold. John went out to see if he could get me some medicine. I heard horses and got up to check the windows. John came running in.

"Elizabelle, come on. I found some people who can help us," John said.

"John, I don't feel so good," I said after standing up.

"Hold on," John said and ran back out of the door.

I curled up on the cot and shivered. A man with gray hair came in and kneeled beside the bed and put his hand to my head. "I am Hosea, here take this medicine and get some sleep," he said tucking the cover over me and laid his jacket over me too.

He got up and walked to the door. He spoke to someone called Dutch and another called Arthur. I heard more footsteps and felt a fur pelt being laid over me. I looked over at my brother who was sitting beside me.

"We are gonna camp out here until your sister gets better. She needs to sweat and the fever will break," Hosea said.

"Thank you," John said and he handed Hosea a pocket watch.

"Thank you son," the man ssaid. Then turned to me and asked. "Do you want me to tell you a bed time story?"

I nodded and Hosea started telling me about his younger days. I saw a boy about a year or two older than John walk in. "Hello," he said. "My names Arthur."

"Elizabelle," I said.

"Nice to meet you little Lizzy," he said giving me a nickname.

I smiled and yawned. "Get some sleep," he said.

Hosea asked if it was OK if he sat with you. I looked at John and he nodded. I looked at Hosea and said,"Yes that would be nice," I said. I quickly fell asleep feeling safe for the first time in a long time.

I woke up feeling a bit better to see Arthur sitting beside me."Arthur," I said touching his hand that laid on his lap. He had fallen asleep in a chair beside the small cot.

"Lizzy," he said. "You're awake."

"Yeah, thanks you," I said quietly.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"A bit better," I said. "And kind of hungry."

Arthur laughed. "I will get Hosea to bring you some broth," he said.

He got up and went outside and soon Hosea was bringing me a cup of broth and a piece of bread. He checked my fever and said,"Your still warm, so take this medicine before you eat," he gave me a spoonful.

I took the medicine and drank the broth and ate a couple bites of bread before I fell asleep again. It was late afternoon when I woke again. I was feeling a lot better. These people John had brought here had stayed and made sure I was feeling better before they decided it was time for us to move to their camp.

John had packed our things and he rode a horse all on his own. "Lizzy, you are riding with me," Arthur said. He helped me get on the horse behind him. "Hold on little Lizzy."

I wrapped my arms around him and he took off. He rode slower because I was with him. I couldn't help but laugh. I'd never ridden a horse before.

"Having fun Little Lizzy?" He asked.

"I've never been on a horse before," I said.

"Never?" He asked.

"No I was only 6 when we runaway from dad," I said.

"Why did you leave?" He asked.

"Dad wasn't a nice man to me. My mother died shortly after having me and he blamed me for it. He would do the bare minimum to keep me alive, and when I turned four the beatings started. One time he hit me so hard he knocked me across the room, broke my arm and my face was swollen for a few weeks, I couldn't see out of my left eye," I said. "When he got drunk it was worse. I would hide most of the time, in our old barn. John found my hiding place and put a blanket out to keep me warm. Even put some cans of food and a bucket of water for me. When he got old enough he decided it was best to leave. I'm different than you and John Arthur. My mother was Indian. People refused to help us because of what I am. I'm a half breed."

"Don't say that Lizzy," he said. "You are a person just like us. You can't help who your parents are."

"Thanks Arthur. Your the first person besides John to say something like that," I said.

"It's true," he said. "I also know Hosea and his wife have taking a liking to you. They could never have children of their own."

"I never met his wife," I said.

"She was there while you slept. She kept a close eye on you. She made you the broth this morning," he said.

"That was sweet," I said.

"She is a swee4 and very motherly," he said.
"She takes care of us."

"How did John meet you all?" I asked.

Arthur laughed,"He tried to steal Dutch's pocketwatch."

"No," I said.

"Yeah, Dutch laughed and gave John a talking to. John explained to Dutch he wanted to get you some medicine and that's when Hosea asked how old you are. When John told them Hosea took John to buy the medicine and asked if you both wanted to join us. John was eager to except," Arthur said.

Bill Williamson

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Bill Williamson

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