rings (chapter 21)

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A couple weeks later we were sitting outside drinking coffee talking when Saddie Addler rode up on her horse. "Belle!" She yelled excitedly.

"Saddie!" I yelled and ran to her. "How are you?"

"I'm good, how's the kids?" She asked.

"They are good love their cousin Jack," I said. "What is going on?"

"I need to talk to Charles and John," she said. "I have found Micah and Dutch."

I knew John wanted to avenge Arthur. I knew Charles did to. They were friends after all. I stepped into the house and called John. "John Saddie is here and wants to talk to you," I said.

Charles was already sitting on the porch. I walked back outside and Charles pulled me down into his lap and leaned his head on my shoulder. "Hey Saddie," Abigail said coming out of the house. "Would you like some coffee?"

"Sure," Saddie said.

Charles had his hand on my thigh. "So I know his buddy is in Strawberry drunk out of his mind. He knows exactly where to find Micah. We go to Strawberry and get a confession out of him, then hand him over to the law," she said.

"That could work," John said.

"It will work," Saddie said.

"Charles you've been quiet," John said.

"I want him dead for what he did," Charles said. "He deserves it for what he did to Belle and to Arthur."

"Wait what?" I asked.

"He set the whole O'drisscal thing up to get rid of you and Arthur. What he didn't count on is either one of you making it out alive," Charles said.

"You ain't going John," Abigail said.

"I am and that's final," John said.

"John please," she begged him.

I sat stunned. "Charles, are you sure about this?" I asked.

"I am positive," Charles said. "We will go and get this done for you and Arthur."

"I'm coming with you," I said.

"No you ain't," John said. "You are gonna stay here and be a mother to your children. I promise to bring Charles back to you."

"Charles please be careful. I can't lose you now that I have found you again," I said.

He wrapped his arm around me and kissed me in front of everyone. "I swear to you I will be coming back to you and the twins. Then I am gonna make you mine in every way possible," he said.

"Watch over them Uncle!" John said walking inside he grabbed his overnight bag and his guns.

John walked out of the house as the kids watched on. "I'll bring them back," Saddie said.

They rode off and Abigail and I sat wondering how long this was gonna be and if our men were gonna come home at all. I had lost so much because of Micah Bell. I hoped this would be the end of it. John and Abigail told me that Micah had been the snitch. Telling the Pinkertons about the ferry boat, the bank robbery, and then where to find Arthur and John in the end. Arthur had given his life to save John.

Dutch was blind to all of it. Even after Arthur told him the truth, Dutch chose to side with Micah. I had grown to hate the man I had once looked up to. Hosea died because of Micah. Lenny died because of Micah. I hated them both.

A week went by with no word and we were starting to worry. Abigail and I chopped wood, milked the cow, fed the horses, gathered the eggs and started to harvest the field. When one evening we heard the beat of horse hooves headed our way. We both looked up and watched until we counted the three that left were back.

I looked up and thanked God for bringing them back. I walked over and Charles and Saddie were both holding their sides. John helped Saddie down first. John and uncle both helped Charles down.

I quickly grabbed my medical bag and started working on them both. "We got him," Saddie said. "It's over."

"And Dutch?" I asked.

"He shot Micah," John said.

"What?" I asked.

"John called him out. Told him everything from Micah setting the pinkertons up for the ferry job, to the bank job. And even told him about Micah setting the O'drisscal's on you," Saddie said.

"The look of guilt on Dutch's face is something I ain't ever seen before," John said. "It was quiet and I told Dutch to say something. Then the shot rang out and Micah fell. Charles got shot when we got there and couldn't make it up the mountain as quick as we did. Saddie got jumped when we reached the top and got stabbed."

"In the end we got Micah and the money all of. From Blackwater ferry to all our savings over the years. It was all there," Saddie said.

I stitched Saddie up. "Thanks Belle," she said.

I then checked on Charles the bullet went straight through. So I just stitched him up. "I was so worried," I said.

"I made you a promise," he said. "I don't break promises to you. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring. I told you I would make you mine. I have loved you as long as I've known you. I can't live another day without you. Make me a happy man and marry me Belle."

"Yes, Charles a thousand times yes," I said.

"I want to adopt the kids," he said.

"I think Arthur would agree," John said.

"So do I," I said. Charles kissed me again and held me in his arms. "As soon as that wound heals then we can discuss when and where you want to be married."

"Here now," Charles said without hesitation. "I never want to be without you. I want you now and forever."

"That's the sweetest thing I've ever heard," Abigail said.

John laughed,"you'll have to wait at least a week," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Abigail and I are getting married in a week. Be nice to have a double wedding," John said.

"Yeah," Abigail said excitedly.

"Alright," Charles said.

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