Blackwater (2)

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As the years passed Hosea became the dad I wish I had. He taught me and John how to read, Bessie taught me how to write and to cook. I learned so many things from her. She was like a second mother. Arthur taught me how to hunt and Hosea taught me how to fish.

I grew close to Arthur and started having feelings for him but never told him. He had meet a girl named Liza and they had a son named Issac together. It took him a year before he met Mary. They got engaged but her family couldn't stand Arthur's way of life. He wasn't good enough for their precious Mary. She broke up with Arthur and boarded a train to run off and marry a men she has never met because her daddy approved of him.

I stood by Arthur when he was left heartbroken again. It hurt me to see that he was hurt. I took him to get drunk afterwards and when we walked into a saloon. "Sorry your kind ain't welcome here," the bartender said toward me.

"Excuse me," Arthur said.

"We don't serve savages," he said nodding his head my way.

"She ain't no damn savage," Arthur said.

I place my hand on Arthur's arm. "Here get drunk, I'll wait for you," I said handing Arthur some cash.

"Nope it ain't right," Arthur said.

"Arthur, I know what people think of me. Just let it go. I'll wait outside for you besides I ain't drinking," I said.

"Then let's go somewhere else," he said.

"Arthur if he is like this most of the town will be the same," I said. "How about going to the general store and getting us some whiskey and some food and we can camp somewhere."

"Yeah let's get out of here," Arthur wrapped his arm around my waist and we walked out.

I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry tonight didn't go as planned," I said.

"That's not your fault," he said.

"If I was born white Arthur then things would have been different," I said.

"Stop it Lizzy," he said. "You're perfect the way you are. Don't let others look down on you."

I looked up at him. "That's why I love you," I said.

He stopped walking,"What?"

"I just meant I love the way you keep me positive. You seek justice for injustice. You don't see me as different. You've always been there for me," I said.

"I always will," he said kissing my forehead.

It wasn't unusual for him to do that. I hated he only saw me as his sister. I couldn't push myself on him. I respected him to much for that. I hoped maybe in time he would realize that I wasn't like his sister.

"I'll meet you by the horses," I said.

"Alright," he said and he walked toward the general store. Shortly after Arthur came out carrying a bag. He climbed on his horse and we rode out of town.

We found a small clearing and Arthur hitched his horse to a tree. I did the same.
We set up camp and Arthur laid out a blanket and we sat down and he handed me a beer. "I've got us some soup and some bread," he said.

"This is great Arthur," I said.

He grabbed a couple cups from his satchel. He opened the soup and sat it by the fire to heat it up. "It's not much," he said.

"No it is just right. I will always be by your side Arthur.  Nothing could make me leave it unless you send me away," I said.

"Your to good to me," he said.

"Arthur if I've learned anything from Mary, I have learned not to push someone to be something they are not. If you know what the person is before you love them then why try and change them?" I asked.

"Hell if I know," he said sighing.

"I know you miss her. I also know she will always be your first love," I said. "I know it will take time to get back to yourself. I will stand by you Arthur."

The years flew by the gang grew, adding Miss Grimshaw, Bill Williamson, Abigail Roberts (John's girl) Sean Macguire, Karen, Lenny,  and Tilly. Sean was a wild funny Irish man. He teased me about Arthur.

"Your sweet on him," he said.

"OH hush," I said.

"Come on Little Lizzy," he said.

I smacked his arm. "Only Arthur calls me that," I said.

"That you pet name," he said.

"Shut up Sean," I said. He laughed and Arthur watched on.

"I'm going for a ride," I said.

Sean watched on as I got up and walked over to Apolo. He was an Arabian breed.

I unhitched him and rode off

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I unhitched him and rode off. John was on guard duty. "Where are you going?" He asked.

"To Blackwater," I said.

"Belle you know someone needs to go with you," he said.

"John I'm a big girl. I just need a breather alright," I said and rode off.

3rd party POV

John calls Arthur. "Follow her," John said.

Arthur nodded and did what John asked.
It wasn't long before Arthur heard gun shots and a scream. He kicked his horse into a gallop and raced toward where the sound was coming from. The sight of Little Lizzy laying in a pool of blood scared him.
He jumped off his horse as fast as could the horse hadn't stopped. Arthur ran over to see Lizzy trying to sit up.

"What the hell Lizzy?" He asked.

"O'drisscal's," she told him. He looked at her checking her wounds. "How bad is it?"

"It's just a graze but it's gonna need stitches," he said. "Come on you can ride back with me."

He helped me up and whistled for our horses. "John's gonna be pissed," Arthur said."What were you thinking?"

"Arthur I'm tired of people think things that are not true," she said.

"What?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter Arthur. It's not like it will ever change. Everyone has someone but me," she said.

"I don't," Arthur said.

"But you have had someone," she said.

"I'm gonna die a bitter lonely old women, I use to want a family of my own. I know John is my family, but one of my own. I use to think I would fall in love with someone who would love me back. I'm getting older and the person I love doesn't even see me," she said.

"Then he is stupid," Arthur said.

"That's the thing he isn't," she said.

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