Pregancy (10)

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Arthur came running up the stairs and saw me down. "Saddie what the hell happened?" Arthur asked.

"She got scared of what the doctor said. She said her mother died from childbirth," she told Arthur.

"That's what they told her. Her mother was killed by Lizzy's dad. As she got older it was just easier to keep that story," Arthur explained.

"You get her and have Charles show you the way to the house. I'll get our food to go and then meet you and Charles at the house to check on her," Saddie said.

Arthur picked me up and carried me downstairs. Charles jumped up. "Charles let's go," Arthur said.

Charles nodded and lead Arthur to the house. "Let's get her to bed," Charles said. "I will get a wash cloth and wet it."

Arthur laid me down on the bed. "Lizzy, come on wake up," he said brushing the hair out of my face.  Charles handed him the wet wash cloth and Arthur wiped my face with it.

I came to, and saw Arthur and Charles both looking at me with concern. "I'm sorry I worried you," I said.

"Hush now," Arthur said. "We need to talk."

"Arthur are you sure now is the right time for what you are about to tell her?" Charles asked.

"Charles she deserves to know what really happened and not be kept in the dark anymore," Arthur said.

Charles looked over at me and nodded. "It's your call but I wouldn't," he said and stepped out of the room.

Arthur sighed and looked at me. "Lizzy what I'm about to tell you is gonna be hard for you to hear, but please let me finish what I've got to say before you say anything," Arthur said.

"Alright," I said.

"We went back a few weeks after we found you and John. Things you had been told all your life isn't true. Your mother didn't die durning childbirth. Your dad killed her, beat her to death actually, because he claimed she had cheated on him. Dutch and Hosea decided to hand him over to the sheriff to be hanged for his crimes against you and your mother. I don't know if John knows the truth of what really happened to her. I was only told this in case someday you decided to go looking for him to get answers as to why he treated you the way he did," Arthur said.

"So I could be worrying for nothing?" I asked.

"I'm not gonna tell you not to worry, because you will do that anyway. You are a strong woman and I know this will all be alright in the end. You will have two beautiful healthy babies, and come back home to me," he said.

I felt tears in my eyes. I had heard that the doctor had to turn me and ripped something he shouldn't have and caused my mother to bleed out. I wiped my face and asked to be alone for a few minutes while I gathered myself.

I cried for what felt like hours. I felt betrayed by Arthur, he could have told me the truth. I mean for years I was told the story of my mother's death. Dutch and Hosea knew too, so I felt like everyone betrayed me. When I grew up to be loyal to Dutch and not hide things from him.

I sighed and wiped my face again. I glanced at myself in the mirror. You could tell I had been crying. "Arthur," I called.

He walked in. "Lizzy,  are you alright?" He asked.

"I just feel like everyone betrayed me," I said. "I mean Dutch, you, Hosea who else knew."

"I told Saddie and Charles today after you passed out," he said.

I nodded,"Has Saddie made it back yet?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said.

"Did you get the food from the saloon?" I asked.

"Saddie brought it," he said. "Are you hungry?"

"Yeah, I know I need to eat to take the tonic," I said, "but I'll get it. After today I'm not gonna be allowed to get up except to use the bathroon."

He nodded and took my hand and we walked out of the bedroom. "This is a nice place you picked out," I said to Saddie.

"Yeah we wanted something where everything was inside and easier access for you," she said.

"How much is the rent?" I asked looking around.

"We have already paid for six months in case you are not allowed to travel after the babies are born, or they need to be looked after by the doctor," Saddie said.

"You thought of everything," I said.

"Charles did too. The land lord has a crib he is gonna bring closer to time for the little ones," she said.

"I found work I can do while I'm here during the day. I explained to the boss that I'll be here every other week. So if you want to work when I'm not here there is work for you too Arthur," Charles said.

"What kind of work?" Arthur asked.

"They are building some docks on the other side of the train tracks, so good honest work that won't cause any trouble," Charles said.

"Sounds good," Arthur said and sat my leftovers on the table.

I sat down and everyone sat down with me. "I'm sorry about earlier," I said.

Saddie reached over and grabbed my hand,"Belle you don't have anything to be sorry for. Anyone that grew up hearing one thing and being told that you were gonna go through the same thing is a scary thought," she said and gave it a squeeze.

"She is right," Charles said.

"See Lizzy, you are fine," Arthur said.

I thanked them and started eating. Everyone ate and talked, joked and told stories of their past. I haven't laughed like that in a long time. Soon we were done eating, Arthur helped me to my feet and we walked outside. "It's pretty tonight," I said.

"It is," he said, taking a cigarette out of the pack and lighting it. He took a drag off of it and blew out the smoke. "This won't last forever Lizzy."

"What?" I asked.

"This you being here, me being there," he said.

"I know Arthur, it just feels like this is saying goodbye," I said. "I haven't been away from you except a few nights since I was 10. I just want you to look after yourself and look out for John."

"You know John has a way of getting himself into trouble," he said.

"Yeah don't I know it," I said. "Please be careful when you are back there. I want to know you will take care of yoursf."

"I promise you," he said throwing the cigarette out he kneeled in front of me. He took both of my hands in his.

"Lizzy, stop worrying about what's going on back at camp. You need to worry about taking care of yourself and those babies. I know you won't give Charles and Saddie a hard time by staying in bed. I want you to eat, and listen to the doctor."

"I'll try to be good Arthur. You know I ain't good when I get to bored. I will eat and take my medicine," I said. "I also promise I won't give them a hard time. As long as I have a book, cards, or domino's to keep my mind busy I won't get to board."

"Yeah," Arthur leaned down to my belly. "Listen up, peanuts, I want you to be good and stay in there until you can make it in this world. Be good for your momma and don't keep her up at night.  Your mom and me are excited to meet you when the time is right. We both love you both and want you to be healthy babies."

"You have that right," I said rubbing my belly.

"Let's go lay down and spend some time together," he said.

We walked inside and went straight to the bedroom. Arthur made love to me that night like it would be the last time. Slow and sensual taking time to worship every inch of my body. He held me that night rubbing small circles on my belly. I fell asleep in his arms feeling happy.

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