Colm O'drisscal (13)

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(Warning talk of rape and recovery)

I wanted to scream of help but I knew it was pointless. I knew I wouldn't get anywhere if I did, but probably tortured or worse. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my life. I had my twins to think about. I had to figure something out.

The door opened letting some light in. "I'm glad to see you awake my dear," Colm said as he stepped into the room. He held a lantern and sat it across the room for me.

"So what do you want Col" I asked.

"I want to know where Dutch is," he said simply said.

I laughed,"You haven't been around. I've been in Saint Dennis giving birth to twins, so I don't know. Last I saw them was in Valentine. Arthur the babies dad went back to his ex Mary Liton," I said. "I met my brother to get my things. When you took me, I was on my way to my mother's tribe."

"You wouldn't be lying to me now would you?" Colm asked.

"Like I said, the last place I saw Dutch was in Valentine," I said.

Colm stepped forward and ran a finger up my arm. I knew then he was gonna try and use me to lure Dutch and Arthur out. "It's no use using me. Arthur chose her and he is Dutch's right hand man. So do you really think taking me would matter to them. I'm nothing to them. I was nothing to them. Nothing!" I said. "I went through labor delivery without help from any of them. Even my brother chose Dutch over me."

"We are gonna see,' he said ripping my dress. "I'm gonna make them think I've hurt you. Then they will come."

"That's the thing Colm, they let me go. When I left because I was pregnant and needed to be with a specialist, that was it. They wrote me off. I was only able to get my brother a message to bring my stuff and met me off the grid to get it. No one knows and no one cares Colm. So what ever you are gonna do, just do and be done with it. I have no price on my head so what good am I to you just another mouth to feed," I said.

Colm laughed,"OH it's worth it just to keep Dutch's golden girl. The one he kept hidden. Oh what fun are we gonna have," he said ripping the rest of my clothes off of me.

My blood ran cold. I knew what he had in mind and it scared me. He hit me in the head with the but in of his gun knocking me our. When I came to again I was naked and tied to the bed. My arms stretched wide and my legs were also attached to the bed post with chains.

Colm and two of his men laughed. "Look at her isn't she beautiful," Colm said running his hand over my naked body.

I started to scream but a rag was stuffed into my mouth. I couldn't do anything but take the abuse he and two of his men were gonna inflict on my body. I was cleared by my doctor to travel but not for sex and that is what these men had on their mind. Colm was the first to step forward.

I cried tears rolled down my face as he grabbed my chest and squeezed hard. He then ran his nasty hand down to my private area and probed. I screamed and blacked out. When I came back to myself I was a whimpering mess I wish Arthur would save me. They didn't even know I was gone. And if they did they were not stupid enough to come here after Colm told Arthur he was gonna turn them in. I was stuck.

I knew I had a few options, I could curl up and die, I could waste away and lose my mind, or I could bide my time until I could fight. I would die, yes thats possible  but I'd go down in flames and take some scum with me when I did.

I don't know how long I was in and out for. My mind was playing tricks on me. I kept hearing my children crying. I kept seeing Arthur curled up with another woman. Their faces laughing and then kissing. I kept seeing Charles so pure. Saddie and John crying. Hosea dying.

I glanced around the room and find a nail on the wall that had started to turn loose. I worked it out and started trying to undo the chain that tied me to the bed. After about ten minutes I heard it click. One down two to go. I sat up and started working on my leg chains. While I was working someone came in. I quickly laid back and wrapped the chain around my arms and held them up like I was still locked down completely.

The man towered over me smelled like rotten flesh, dirty horse shit, alcohol, and tobacco all at one time. It was down right disgusting. He made his way over to me and covered my mouth as he had his way with my sore beaten body. I wanted to scream kick and fight. I made my mind up. I slowly undid my chain around my arms and the nail I had used I quickly stabbed in in his neck. A spot Arthur had told me was one of the weakest parts on a body. I stabbed him over and over with this nail. It was an ugly sight I'm sure but this was gonna be a horrible day. Blood sprayed me in every direction. When I was sure this man was dead I searched his body for weapons.

I found a knife, a gun, and keys. I was able to finally free my self. I was naked and scared, but I had a couple choices now. I waited until the camp got quiet and quickly made my way to the door. I slipped up behind the guard at the door and slit his throat.  The next man I came across was standing guard beside the door. I stabbed him in his neck.

I know I had killed at least twenty me in their sleep. I ran, through the woods making sure I stayed close to the river. I soon blacked out from exhaustion. When I woke I didn't know where I was.

"Shh, Arthur. I think she is close," I heard Charles say.

"Charles how can you be sure?" Arthur asked.

Charles held his finger to his lips and pointed to where I laid covered in blood. "Is she?" Arthur asked.

"I don't think it's her blood Arthur. I think she killed those men. Colm is definitely going to be after her now," Charles said.

I felt warmth, I thought this must be death welcoming me. Then I felt my body being moved. I reached for anything to try and fight. I was to weak. My body had gone though so much.

"Kill me please," I said quietly.

"Nobody is gonna kill you Belle," Charles said. "Your safe now."

I laid my head on his shoulder and let the tears roll. I was now damaged beyond repair. "I'll take her Charles," Arthur said.

I clung to Charles for dear life. I couldn't let anyone take me again. He was a safe place. He sighed as the Arthur tried to take me from him. I started screaming and trying to stay in the arms of the safe place.

"Arthur," Charles said. "Right now is not the place to do this. We need to move."

Arthur backed off and let Charles carry me. "Did you see those men?" He asked.

"Yeah, Arthur I did. What would you have done?" Charles aasked.

"I think everyone underestimated her," he told Charles.

"Arthur who knows what they did to her. But we need to go somewhere get her cleaned up," Charles said.

"I know a place and a good man," Arthur said. "His name is Hamish he is an old veteran who lost his leg during the war. If we explain what happened he will surely understand and offer us a place. We can clean her up and get back."

"Can we trust him?" Charles asked.

"Yes," Arthur was certain of this.

I felt someone grab me. I still clung to Charles. "Hey shh," I heard Charles say. "I'm gonna get on my horse and Arthur is gonna pass you to me."

"That's right you are safe," Arthur said.

I stopped fighting, soon I was curled up in front of Charles. I knew I was a nasty sight. I smelled of shit, piss and blood. I was bruised from the beatings and sore all over from what they had done to me. I felt the horse start moving. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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