Train ride and Bedrest (9)

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Arthur and Charles unloaded the wagon and Saddie and I found our seats. "Thank you Saddie," I said.

"Don't thank me," she said.

Arthur and Charles sat down beside us. "How are you feeling?" Arthur asked.

"I'm nervous I haven't been away from you are John since I was ten," I said biting my lip.

"You will be fine," Arthur said.  "You have us, we will keep you up to date on everyone in camp I promise."

I nodded and stared out the window. The ride was filled with chatter. I was sad because I was leaving the life I knew behind for a while. Watching the scenery out of the window, Arthur placed his hand on mine.

"We will be there soon," Arthur said.

"Yeah," I said.

I watched the city come into view. I sighed,"I don't like this," I said. "What if I stick out here?"

"Will you let me worry about that?" He asked.

I nodded,"I'll try I promise," I said.

When the train stopped they unloaded mine and Saddie's things. "Arthur while you and Belle go to the doctor, Saddie and I will find you someplace to stay," Charles said.

Charles' POV

"So are you gonna pine for her for long?" Saddie asked me.

"What?" I asked in return.

"Belle, I don't think Arthur knows or even Belle, I see the way you watch her Charles," Saddie said.

"I can't help it," I admit. "She is something special. I have never met anyone like her. I all my years, she a light in this dark age. Arthur is a lucky man."

"He is," Saddie said. "I just hope he knows how lucky."

We found a small house and set up for Belle. It wasn't much just three room house. It had a bathroom with running water so she wouldn't have to use a hillside or and outhouse. The rent was cheap and it already had furious for the ladies to sleep on.

"This will be perfect," Saddie said and paid the owner for it. After exploring they wouldn't need it for long. She had enough thanks to the gang to pay for the next six months, in case Belle couldn't travel for a while.

The owner was a slimey man who I didn't care for but he seemed to understand the circumstance that we were here for.

Lizzy's POV

We walked into the doctors office and told the lady behind the desk who we are. "Yes ma'am Mrs McIntosh the doctor said you would be in," she said. "Take a seat and I'll let him know you're here."

"How do you think Saddie and Charles are getting on?" I asked.

"I'm sure they have found something suitable for us," Arthur said.

I nodded. "Yeah," I said chewing on my lip.

Arthur squeezed my hand. "I promise you it will be alright," he said.

I could only nod. It was scary to me to know he is gonna have to leave inthe next couple days. I hated this but I knew it was gonna be for the best. Little did I know what was coming our way. The doctor called us back and examined me.

"Well Mrs McIntosh, the doctor in Valentine was dead on, it's twins and you are measuring at eight months. Twins normally come early and one most likely will be breech," he said. "Meaning after the first one is born I will have to manually move the other into position. I'm not gonna lie to you that is gonna be very painful."

"How do you position the baby?" Arthur asked.

"Mr McIntosh it's best not ro worry about that. She needs bedrest and I mean strick bedrest to keep those babies in as long as possible. When she does go into labor someone needs to be ready to come and get me. I do not normally do housecalls unless it is this type of situation. She needs to relax and not have anytime of stress. She also needs to eat at least four times a day and take this tonic. It will help the babies lungs to develop," the doctor said. "Twice a day."

"Alright, we have some friends staying because I have to travel to work and make money to pay our bills here and there. If something happens and I'm not here I need you to send a telegram to Valentine," Arthur said.

"Yes sir," he said.

"Now let's get you out of here," the doctor said. "After today remember strict bedrest. And take the tonic twice a day once with breakfast and one with you dinner."

"Yes sir," I said.

We walked out to find Charles waiting us. "We found you a house about a mile away," Charles said.

"Thank you Charles," I said.

Arthur seemed stressed. "We decided to rent the house for six months in case she can't travel after the babies are born. Come on now let's meet Saddie at the saloon and get a bite to eat. Then we will go to the general store and gather some supplies for a while," Charles said.

The saloon was nice unlike that in Valentine. It had carpeted floors and larger tables. Arthur, Charles and I sat down at the table Saddie had gotten for us. "What would you like to eat?" Arthur asked.

"Anything but stew," I said.

Arthur and Saddie laughed. "How about some fried chicken, mashed potatoes, and some green beans and a piece of bread?" Arthur asked.

"Yes please," I said.

Arthur ordered for us, and. Charles and Saddie ordered their meals. We sat and ate, only eating a few bites I just sat there and picked at the food. "Lizzy you need to eat," Arthur said.

"I guess I'm just not hungry right now," I said.

Saddie sighed and reached over. "Come on Belle let's go talk upstairs for a few minutes," she said and grabbed my hand.

"Saddie," I said once we got upstairs. "I guess I'm worried about what the doctor said. It has my mind racing. He said something about having to turn the second baby manually. I have heard about them doing that. The doctor sticks his hand in the womb and it hurts like crazy. I know one lady who died from it."

"Who?" She asked.

"My mother," I said.

Saddie's face paled. "Tines have changed since then," she said.

"I'm scared Saddie. I mean really scared. If I die Arthur won't be able to take care of the twins, so who would. Would they go to an orphanage get adopted?" I asked starting to breath rapidly.

Saddie looked down. "Arthur!" She called.

I started to feel faint and tried to sit down on the couch and missed. My head hit the table and I blacked out.

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