News paper clippings (18)

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I read the morning paper and almost choked on my coffee. The twins were still asleep when I read about the bank in Saint Dennis being robbed. I sighed they had gotten away. I knew in my heart Dutch was behind it. I continued to read and found out Bronte had been found dead in the swamps close to Saint Dennis.

I sighed and look at my children they were growing up so fast. It's hard to believe they were almost eight months old now. I wish I could have given them a father that was going to be here with them. Pyeta knocked on the door.

"Come in," I said.

Pyeta came in and sat beside me. "Rains Falls think we should be married," he said.

"I don't know what to say Pyeta," I said.

"I know you don't love me Standing Rock. I know you love someone else. I would be a good husband to you," he said.

"I know you would be Pyeta. I just don't know if marrying you would be right. You deserve the right to find real love," I said. "Someone who can make you happy. I'm not her Pyeta. My heart would never be in it."

"I know but it is what's best for the tribe," he said.

"I'll think about it," I said.

He nodded and walked out. I sighed, I couldn't even really think of marriage to anyone. I had the twins, Eagle Flies and Pyeta are talking about war. I knew the chances of them being hurt was a strong one. I could lose more people I care about and it scared me.

The twins woke up and I fed them some eggs and milk. The played on the floor with some blocks that the men had made for them. As it got colder more of the tribe became sick. Conolel Favors was set on helping get the right medicine to help those that were sick.

He was a good man, but I could sense trouble coming. I heard a familiar voice and look out and saw Charles and Arhur. Charles knocked on my door as Arthur entered the teepee.

I quickly opened the door. "Hello Belle," he said.

I quickly hugged him. "Come in," I said. "It's been a while."

"Yeah, I know. I have so much to tell you. It isn't gonna be easy," he said.

I checked on the twins. And nodded,"Let's sit at the table," I said. "Coffee?"

"Sure," he said and I poured him a cup. I sat it down in front of him and sat down.

"Alright first things first, you were right about Bronte," he said. "Bronte set them up. Dutch, John, Bill, and Arthur went after him. They took him out of his house and Dutch drowned him and threw him into the swamp."

"And the bank?" I asked.

"Yeah it was a disaster. We lost Hosea," Charles said. "He had asked before I give you his things if anything went wrong. He said he wanted you to have them. We also lost Lenny."

I felt the tears well up in my eyes. "What happened after?" I asked.

"John was arrested, Arthur, Dutch, Bill, Micah, and  Javier got out on a boat that sank in the ocean," he said. "They ended up in some island called Guarma. I have heard about it there is war going on. They made it back but we were ambushed by the Pinkertons."

"Damn it," I said.

"Yeah we ran into your uncle and Rains Falls in Saint Dennis when we got back. Arthur helped your uncle percure some paperwork from the oil company. Belle he found out he has tuberculosis. He doesn't have much time left. He is dying," Charles said.

"Damn," I said angrily wiping away my tears. "Is there any hope?"

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you. Arthur swears he is gonna get John out and back to Abigail and then get them all out together," Charles said. "Said it would be the last thing he would do. Said he would give his dying breath to make sure you don't lose anyone else."

"I still lost him Charles," I said. "I knew it the last time I saw him."

"I'm so sorry Belle," he said.

"It's not your fault Charles," I said. "Grandfather wants me to marry Pyeta but with this oil business going on. I can't lose him too. He has become a good friend."

"Belle, one day when this is over I will come for you. I want you to be mine," Charles said. "We will raise these children and tell them about their father and what a brave man her is. I have loved you since I saw you but I know you are gonna need time. And I promise I will give you that."

"I feel something for you too Charles I know time is asking a lot but that's what I need now," I said.

"I understand that," he said. He stood up and walked out to his horse and pulled a bag off the bag of it.  He brought it back inside and sat it on the table.

I opened it with shaking hands. I saw a letter and opened it.


If you are reading this then I've gone to be with my sweet Bessie. I know you are gonna miss me but I'm with Bessie watching over you. I know Arthur is sick and he misses you everyday. I know why he sent you away. He was worried about you. I wish I could have been there for you after the O'drisscal's got you. I wish I could have held you and told you life was gonna be alright. It broke something in me and I knew I had let you down and for that I'm sorry. I want you to have these things because they meant a lot to me and Bessie. There is some money to help you establish yourself a nice place. I know Arthur has given you some and I know you'll put it to good use for those beautiful babies. They must have grown so much since I last saw them. Tell them about me and Bessie remember the good times not the bad.  I will always be with you.
Hosea Matthews

I folded the letter back up and glanced in the bag it was full of money, jewels and Hosea's knife and his personal pistol. I placed the knife on my hip and the pistol in my holster. Charles looked at me and saw the tears rolling down my face. He hugged me tight. "He wouldn't want your tears," Charles said.

"I know, I can't help it," I said.

I sobbed on his chest as he held me. "I don't know if I can even think about Arthur dying Charles. It hurts to much," I said.

"I know," he said.

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