Home (23)

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The next couple of days were sad, everyone went their separate ways. I stared up at my brother from the wagon. "Take care of Abigail and Jack," I said.

"I will trust me," he said. "And y'all don't be strangers. I know Canada is a long ways away but come see us sometime. We will come see y'all when you get settled."

I hugged my brother. "I miss you John," I said.

"Belle I miss you too. You have got yourself a great man to watch over you and love you. I'm and proud to call him my brother," John said. "Now y'all be careful and don't forget to write."

Charles helped the kids into the back of the wagon and helped me into the front. These last couple of months have been great. As excited as I am to start my life with Charles I was equally as sad to leave John behind.

On the way toward Canada we made some stops along the way to tell the kids stories about their father and we even went to Arthur's grave. I stood there in the arms of my husband telling the kids what a brave and wonderful man their father had been even up to his dying breath.

The kids picked flowers from around the mountain and placed them on Arthur's grave. They don't remember him physically but I always told them about him and how much he loved them. I showed them pictures of Arthur, John and myself as kids.

"Momma is the man that killed our father alive?" Linc asked.

"Not anymore. Saddie, Uncle John and your dad Charles took care of that," I said.

"Good," Linc said.

"I'm glad Charles is our dad now," Bethany said.

"Really?" Charles asked.

"Yeah I always wanted a dad," she said.

"Well you got one now," he said smiling at me.

We took our time going to Canada. When we got there we bought 1000 acres of land with the money we had gotten from their adventure to get rid of Micah. I was two months pregnant when I told Charles he was going to be a father.

"After all this time you still take my breath away," he said.

Years later a graying Charles and I sat on our porch with our children grown and getting married and having kids of their own. I was happy. I still thought back to Arthur every now and then and I knew he would be waiting for me on the other side.

I had the twins with Arthur but Charles and I had six of our own. Four boys and two girls, who we loved dearly. We told them stories of how we use to be, how we grew up with out families like we have now. How we met, how Arthur the twins father had put us together. The twins are both living in America with their spouses and have two children of their own.

Our youngest Hunter was just returning from college. He studied architecture and decide he wanted to build here in Canada. Which made his father and I proud. He had met an native girl and was bringing her home. They had planned to get married here.

Even after all this time I still couldn't keep my hands off of my amazing husband. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. He stood strong by my side for years as a friend and now as my husband he was fiercely protective over me.

It came as a shock when I heard knows that Dutch, Javier, and Bill had all been killed but what broke my heart was when I heard that John had been killed. Five years after Abigail had died.

Jack came to visit and stayed with us after avenging his father's death. He even met a woman and settled down here. Jack looks so much like John it isn't funny. The only difference is Jack has book knowledge John didn't have.

Jack and his wife were expecting their third baby any day now. Hunter was getting married next weekend. I was blissfully happy for this life I had been given. Charles made me feel alive in ways I didn't even know was possible. He gave me life when I felt I had none left to give. He always surprised me.

Today was no different. He came home early from a meeting with the tribal council and swept me off my feet yet again.  He carried me through the house and we made love in our now empty house. "I want to give the tribe to some else. I know it really belongs to you. But I want us to travel see the world while we are still young enough to," he said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"This place will always be our home Belle," he said. "I want to show you the world. I want to be by your side as you see all the beautiful things this world has to offer. I want to be the man I promised you I'd be."

"Charles you already are that man. I would go anywhere with you. In this life, the next, and so on," I said.

"Trust me when I say in the next life nothing and nobody is getting in my way again," he said kissing me.

I laughed, I knew he meant every word he said.

After the wedding Charles and saw the world. Together. 

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