Clemens Cove (12)

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The next eight days flew by with no word from Arthur. The doctor cleared me to safe to travel. Charles had went back three days ago, and John arrived in his place. He wouldn't speak of Arthur, that had me worried.

So I pack our bags and we left Saint Dennis on the train. When we got back Charles was there with the wagon to take us to Clemens Cove. "Belle," he said. "Are you ready?"

I was worried and scared. Arthur was always one to keep his word. Something was wrong or he had been hurt. John never said anything. We made it back to camp and the girls (Tilly, Marybeth, and Karen) came over and grabbed the twins.

I looked over to see Arthur laying in his bed looking sick. "What the hell?!" I turned toward John.

"I was told nor to say anything. He went missing a few weeks ago and showed up like this after a parley with Colm O'drisscal," John said. "I knew you would try to get back here and he needed to rest."

I walked over and sat down. "OH Arthur, I thought the worst," I said as the tears rolled down my face.

"I'm alright," he said.

"No your not, why didn't you write?" I asked. "I know Mary wrote to you Arthur. I was worried you chose her."

"I wouldn't, I went and told her I wasn't her lap dog anymore. I found my love in you," he said.

I kissed him softly. "I met my grandfather in Saint Dennis," I said.

"How?" He asked.

"He said I looked just like my mother, Anne. Said her native name was Sequoia. Charles was with me," I said.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there," he said. "Where are they? Are they here?"

"Tilly bring them over," I called out.

Tilly and Marybeth brought them over. Arthur tried to sit up and I helped him slowly. I got Lincoln, and laid him on Arthur's legs so he could look at his son. "He looks like you," Arthur said. "So perfect."

"He is Lincoln, and she is Bethany. You chose Lincoln Charles, and I put our mothers names together to come up with Bethany. Bethany Leigh to be exact after Saddie. God Arthur she is a God send. She did more than her share," I said talking about Saddie.

"Charles was too," Arthur said.

"Yes, he was. I don't know if I would of made it if it hadn't been there when he was. When the doctor turned Bethany I blacked out because of the pain. Charles had to hold me down while the doctor did it," I said. "She looks like you Arthur. But Linc has your attitude."

He laughed. "When he was born he wanted everyone to know he had arrived. Screamed a good ten minutes. Bethany scared me when she was born. She was so quiet I thought we had lost her," I said. "Then the doctor smacked her but she let us know she was Alice."

"So explain to me what happened to you Arthur?" I asked.

"Micah and Pearson had meet a few O'drisscal's in town. They said Colm wanted a parley. Dutch, Micah and I rode out and I was set to watch everything go down from a distance but someone jumped me from behind. Knocked me out beat me tied me up," he said. "When I came to, I tried to get away and they shot me."

"Damn," I said.

"Colm was gonna get the Pinkertons on us," Arthur said.

"I swear I am gonna watch that man swing," I said. I could feel my blood boiling.

"Lizzy, it's getting to dangerous for you and especially the twins to be here with us," Arthur said.

"I am not leaving you again," I said.

"I'm not going to argue with you about this. I want to know you and the twins are safe! You have to leave," he said. "It's better that way."

"No Arthur I told you we are in this together," I said.

"And I said go! Do what I tell you to do for once in G**Damed life!" He yelled causing Lincoln to wake up and scream.

"If I leave Arthur it's for good there will be no coming back. If I leave you say goodbye to me and the kids because we are not gonna wait to live!" I said.

"Then leave and don't look back!" He yelled.

John came over and took the twins out of the tent. "Damn you Arthur Morgan!!" I said and slapped him across his face.

I walked out of the tent with my head held high. "Where will you go?" John asked.

"Charles will tell you and Saddie," I said.

I walked to my old tent and packed my bags. I was angry, heart broken, and shattered. John watched as I packed my things. I left my journal Arthur gave me in the tent and walked to the wagon. Dutch, Hosea, and the rest of everyone watched as I loaded the wagon.

Charles walked over. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"No, but I will be," I said. "I am not going to be treated like a fool."

"Come on, I'll take you there. Make sure to bundle the twins up. It's cold there," he said.

"Where is there?" John asked.

"Her mother's tribe. She meet her grandfather in Saint Dennis," Charles said. "Come with us."

"Alright, Dutch we are taking Belle away from here. Arthur made sure to make sure she left. He wants her gone, so I am taking my family too," John said.

"We need you here son," Dutch said.

"I will take her John," Charles said.

"Take care of my sister Charles," John said.

"I will," Charles said. I got the twins and put them in a create that would travel beside me in the wagon.

Saddie ran over and hugged me. "I'm so sorry Belle."

Arthur chose then to make an appearance. "Lizzy?" He said.

"You don't get to call me that anymore. Lizzy is dead to you," I said and turn my back and walked to the wagon. "Let's go Charles."

We left and made it to the Heartlands when we got surrounded by O'drisscal's. "Charles take the twins to my grandfather. They want me," I said.

"No Belle," he said.

"Promise me! Promise me Charles you will protect them," I said. "Tell them I loved them so much."

I got down off the wagon. "It is me you want," I said.

They grabbed me you my arms and tied me up. "Promise me!!" I yelled.

Charles nodded. "We will come for you," he said.

"No that's what he wants, don't play into his hands," I said calmly.

The O'drisscal's threw a mask over my head and tied my arms and legs together. Then hit me in the head with something.

I woke in a cold dark place. I had been chained to the wall.

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