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Felicity Milkovich-Gallagher didn't always have a great life. She was a dirty white girl with blue hair who ran the streets, stealing and surviving. Her biological father was abusive. He hit her, punched her, screamed at her, and threw things at her. Her mother ran away and didn't return. Her sister did the same.

That all changed the day she was chased by Angela Ward. She ended up in a little house in the South Side ran by Ian Gallagher and Mikhailo Milkovich. Mickey wasn't always welcoming at first, but boy did that change. He quickly began to love her as if Felicity was his own. Even gave her the nickname Blue's Clues. Ian loved her too and would do anything in his power to protect her.

Her life ultimately changed the day her father was arrested on drug charges and a DUI. Felicity went into foster care and met her best friend Phoebe. Phoebe showed her it was okay to let down your hair sometimes.

Fliss did not expect for Ian and Mickey to adopt her. Hell, she never expected to be adopted by anybody. She didn't expect a huge family with the greatest Thanksgivings ever. She didn't expect to have the greatest uncles in the world. She didn't even expect her own room with a bookcase. Not to even mention the awesome little brother she has.

That was when Fliss was in middle school. Now, Fliss is in high school in the tenth grade. Phoebe is in eleventh and went through three boyfriends. Fliss is still trying to find her way, but at least her life is better than her old one.

Mickey and Ian are happy as well. Two kids and one empty house when the kids are at school. It's a surprise Mickey can even walk still. It's a surprise Ian's dick hasn't fell off. But here they are, lovely and horny as ever.

What happens when people from Mickey's and Fliss' past start to show up out of nowhere? What happens when Ian gets a call one day saying the foster system needs them? How will Fliss cope when she feels feelings for someone when she shouldn't? 

Guess you'll have to keep reading to find out.

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