ch9 Tension

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-Adrien's pov:-

I still couldn't get James's limp body off of my thoughts. It kept bugging me over and over.

He promised. I know he couldn't have avoided this but it hurted more than anything.

But Warren was right. Instead of showing grief, I should make my loss a reason to keep fighting and make sure this never happens again.

In the time the five of us had already ran deep into the forest.

It was too dark to be able to see properly so we had an absolute amount of zero clue where we were.

We stopped to get ourselves rest and get some breath.

"This is all your fault Adrien." Said Millie.

"Millie no, don't do this right now." Commanded Lola.

"It's the truth. Without him non of us would be in danger right now. Without him we wouldn't have lost James. Without him-"

"Millie shut up!" Shouted Warren. "This is not the time for arguments."

But personally, I wasn't gonna let Millie:s argument gonna slide.

"You think I wanted this? You actually believe I wanted to lose one of my closest friends?! Don't you dare put the blame on me, if anyone's to blame it's that person that's still out there who knows where. The only thing we need to be doing is trying to find our way back to my car! So, how are we going to do this? Are you going to cooperate or keep whining about every single thing a person does wrong?!"

After my talk everyone went very silent. I sat down on a tree stump and released my thoughts for a moment.

It wasn't meant to go this way. I swear I never intended this to happen. I'm so, so sorry. For everyone. I obviously don't know how the others are doing out there but I hoped they hadn't lost anyone how we did.

But back to point. How on earth are we ever going to get back to my car if we can't see where we're supposed to go.

"Adrien Do you have your car keys?" Asked Lola praying to god I brought them with me.

"N- no. I panicked. I just didn't know what to do."

"Do you know where you have out them though?" Followed Lola.

I had think about it for a second.

I gave my car keys to James. He used them to get the food. After he returned to the camp I never received them back.

"James still has them on him." I replied. "He probably has them in his right pocket seeing he had never changed into his pyjama's. We must return to the camp sight, we don't have a choice."

"We can't risk it, it's too dangerous. What if that psycho is still there." Added Millie.

"We have to try, it's our only hope." Responded Warren.

"Isn't it better to wait just a few moments though? It really hasn't been that long there is a large change he's still there." Offered Jasper

"I think that is the best we can do." I ended.

I think this teamwork might be able to get us out of here.

Although I was still worried about the others. I hoped they'd have the same teamwork as we had.

-Silas's pov:-

There was definitely something going on with Tom. I know him well enough to know something happened. I just couldn't put my finger on what it was.

The six of us did manage to find a place in the woods where we'd be safe, at least for now.

"And now?" Esper asked.

"I'm sure this is one of Adrien's dumb jokes or something. It'll be alright." Responded Jack.

"No." Replied Walter ominous. "No it's not. There's a killer on the loose we need to get out of here!"

"Well Walter that's the whole problem!" I yelled back.

"Why would it be a problem?" Walter asked back.

"How do you wanna leave than if this is so easy for you?" I asked by trying to keep my shit together.

"The cars. If we can just make it back to those cars all we have to do is drive away to a place where we actually have service and call emergency services."

"Walter if you're such a genius how were you ever planning on accomplishing that so easily huh?" I shouted at him.

"The keys. Walter you actually are a genius. Silas, if we can just get those keys of either Adrien's or James's car we can simply find our ways back and get us out of here!" Brought Elijah up.

"Excuse me? Easily?! There is a literal murderer on the loose and you wanna 'easily' walk away from it like it's nothing?! I'm sorry but that's just not how it works."

I noticed Tom being really silent the whole conversation. He was shaking and very, very pale.

"Tom, What's up. There's something wrong with you and it's obviously bugging you. You know you can tell me anything." I checked up seeing if he would tell me something.

He shook his head. "I've told you S- Silas, don't w- worry about me."

He was so pale, I had never seen him this pale. Not to forget he was shaking so bad, and his breathing was uncontrolled, he was hiding something, and rather he'd like it or not I'll figure it out soon.

"Whatever we want to do we gotta make up our minds, who knows when that murder might step up." Exclaimed Jack.

"Our best bet is trying to get those keys. But it's dangerous. We won't know where the murder is until it's too late so please watch out." I begged trying to take a little bit of control over the group.

I drove off to the bush behind me.

I don't think we made it as far away from our camp as we thought we did.

It wasn't gonna be that long of a walk towards our camp sight. I was about to enter the bush towards our camp until I heard Tom crash to the ground behind me.

It looked like his body had just given up. Oh my god was he okay?

"Tom?! Tom are you okay?!" I yelled at him trying to get a reaction.

I shook his body desperate for a reaction.

"Tom?! Tom can you hear me?! Stay with me buddy, you gotta stay with me, hold on, I'm here!"

-Millie's pov:-

We had just discussed our plan of action and I wasn't quite convinced by it.

I knew that psycho would still be there waiting for the moment we'd be dumb enough to return.

I wasn't having it with Adrien either. Everything that had happened was all his fault. If I just wasn't dumb enough to say yes to his invitation I wouldn't be in this situation.

Hold on a minute. Does that mean it's my fault?

I'd say yes, it was my responsibility, it was my choice, it was my idea, it is my fault!

If I would've done things differently maybe James would've still been alive.

Maybe Adrien was right. We should work together if we don't wanna lose anybody else.

I am going to stay mad at him for a little longer though.

But after all forgiveness must be meant in order to give it a meaning, and if I'm gonna be honest, I'm not ready to fully forgive him.

But it's like they always say.

Time heals everything, doesn't it?

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