ch20 Implication

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-Adrien's pov:-

I stopped in front of my apartment knowing what I was about to do.

"Adrien, what are we doing?" Walter asked closing my car door.

"Oh trust me you do not wanna know what I'm about to do," I replied.

"What happens if I do?" He answered back to me.

"If that killer is so smart maybe it'll know I'm back home and come looking for me, but we'll stop him."

"Revenge?!" Walter exclaimed surprised.

"Yeah, you heard me."

"Adrien it's too dangerous, you've seen what they're capable of. We can't do this!"

I pressed the button of the elevator waiting for it to open.

"The only difference, is this time we know it's coming."

Walter grabbed my arm.

"Adrien I can't let you do this. We'll both bring ourselves into unnecessary danger."

"Well, if you don't wanna help me then leave."

"W- what?" He asked softly.

I didn't mean what I said, but I surely was gonna take revenge, whether he wanted to cooperate or not.

I stepped into the elevator that had just arrived.

"It's in or out. You coming?"

With a lot of hesitation, he stepped into the elevator with me.

I pushed the button to close it and we waited for it to arrive on my floor.

When it did I twisted my keys into my door and opened my apartment.

Walter and I immediately separated ways. I walked towards my bedroom ready to find anything to fight with while he seemed to walk towards my kitchen with a head filled with my comments.

-Walter's pov:-

Adrien's words had made me lose it.

I didn't wanna do this anymore, not without him, without Warren.

I made my way to Adrien's kitchen to look for something I could use.

I looked in all the cabinets, I swear I looked in every single one of them, it was the final one I found my materials.

It was a full bottle of bleach.

I unscrewed the cap looking at the white substance inside the bottle.

Something told me to end this nonsense but I had to keep going, it was for my own but also Warren's good.

I took a sip.

God, it tasted so horrible.

I kept jugging and jugging until I couldn't anymore.

I felt myself getting dizzier and dizzier by the second. My vision went blurry and my legs became shaky.

I had to keep going, if I want to end it I have to do it properly.

I took another sip and felt my throat being tightened, it was hard to drink it, really hard.

I felt my eyes struggling to remain open, and that's where my legs gave up.

I fell backward slamming my head into the corner of the dinner table.

It all went black from there, I couldn't remember anything of what happened after, and I have a feeling I should be glad I didn't have to feel anything anymore, physically, but especially mentally.

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