ch21 Recreation

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-???'s pov:-

"Yeah we've got an alive here, documents say it's an attempt on murder others say it's suicide but we're guessing they've been attempted to be killed." I heard a doctor say very faintly.

"And where's this patient from?"

"They have been found in the middle of the woods, their heart is still beating and the wounds aren't vital so they'll make it."

I got layed down on a surgery bed slowly coming back to senses.

"We need to put him under anesthesia. His wounds are too much to be felt, they'll need to be taken care of first."

I felt really numb and couldn't move at all, I didn't even have the strength to open my eyes.

When I heard so much walking and talking around me I slowly started to feel a little alive again.

I could open my eyes again seeing a room mostly white Decorated.

It took me way too long to realize I was in the hospital.

So, I didn't die? I was giving a second chance?!

I had trouble moving around at first but got it under control after a few moments.

A doctor entered my room and looked shocked seeing me awake.

"You're awake already? We didn't expect you to wake up so early."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"Depends, does it hurt?"

I didn't feel any hurt moving around or anything.

"I don't think so."

"In that case, it's a good thing." The doctor told me smiling. "But, if you don't mind me asking, what happened back there? We've found eight bodies in the woods excluding yours."

I looked down to floor whilst all the terrible memories came flooding back to me.

"We went camping with a giant group of people. It was midnight when someone tried to murder every single one of us. I think some must've gotten out of the forest because we've came with twelve people."

"Hold on, they've recently discorvered an apartment with four dead people containing it. Do you think that might be linked with each other?"

"Definitely." I replied fastly. "Wait, Walter. Oh god please tell me Walter is okay!"

I tried to stand up from my bed but the doctor stopped me.

"Stop! You're not ready to leave Warren."

"Please, please let me go I need to see if he's okay. Please I'm begging you, I feel fine. It was just a single stab I'm fine, really!"

The doctor looked at me shaking his head. "I'm sorry." She spoke softly.

No, I wasn't gonna let this slide so easily.

I pushed her aside and stood up from my bed.

I opened the door and took a leap forwards.

I need to! I need to see if he's okay!

I ran past so much patients but there was a particular one that caught my attention.

I stopped next to a window from a person I knew.

We made eye contact and both seemed to be amazed to see each other.

My eyes lit up from happiness seeing him being okay.

It can't be that we both survived this mess, no, my eyes are playing tricks on me. This can't be reality.

-???'s pov:-

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