ch19 Oblivion

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-Walter's pov:-

I still hadn't made it to the car and felt all the adrenaline flow through my veins.

Adrien pushed the door opened wider so it would be easier for me to get in once there.

I heard someone run behind me fairly close. He had a gun? Why wasn't he shooting?!

I jumped into the car closing the door behind me.

"Go!" I yelled trying to get in my seat properly.

Adrien hit the gas super hard and started driving.

I looked to my left seeing that killer had never given up.

I couldn't see him anymore.

Except when I looked behind me.

I saw him trying to balance on the back of the car. He crawled up to the top of the car staying fairly steady.

"Adrien. Hit the brakes." I demanded.


I put my seatbelt on and tried again. "Adrien hit the god damn brakes!" I yelled loudly.

Adrien stomped on the brakes very aggressively and when I looked to the front I saw it had made him lose his balance and had fallen off.

I sighed deeply hoping I'd finally be safe now.

"He's gone, you can go." I spoke softly.

Without saying a word or showing a single doubt Adrien hit the gas again.

When we were about five minutes away from the woods I started zoning out into space thinking about everything and everyone I've lost.


A seriously strong warrior who'd do anything to be able to live. It just wasn't destined to be, I wish I could've gotten to know you better before you had to go. You put the other before your own wounds causing your death. I think the word that would describe you beautifully is defensiveness.


Seriously the most compassionate person I've ever met. You've fought for others before fighting for yourself. I'm sincerely sorry I didn't give the same energy you gave to others. You died for Esper, I would've said it was a waste of loss but you, no matter the situation you'd always say it was a loyal action. The word I'm giving you is spitefulness.


Honestly you've been a really great person, but becoming something strong just wasn't cut out for you. Although your personality I wish I would've talked more with you, you seemed like a lovely person to be friends with. I don't exactly know your reasoning of death because I wasn't there. Honestly I don't really know a word to be giving you but if I had to choose one I'd say self-denial.


Honestly a very self confident person. He always knew a solution to problems that seemed unsolvable. It's thanks to your amazing plan I'm able to say I'm alive and honest, I don't know what I would've done without you. I have seen your body next to Lola's so I assume you've tried to save her but arrived too late to offer a helping hand. Your word is entitlement.


Honestly I felt bad hearing about your whole school situation. It was visually seeable it had brought you down miserably. All of your anger cropped up for years was thrown on me for making a single mistake, showing how bad you've been doing over the last few years. I think the word that describes you is messiness.


Honestly, I can't describe how much I've cried in your arms. I'll always remember what you've done for me. I'm so grateful for simply your existence. Thank you for everything, from the bottom of my heart. Without you, I would've died many years ago, but it was you who gave me reason to keep going. I can't even give you a word. Words can't describe how much I'm going to be missing you, they wouldn't even come close.


It's thanks to everyone I can still talk about myself but also about the blood that had been spilled for me. I feel so bad for letting people down but on the other hand, it's what made me feel alive. And for one final time, thank you. Thank you so much, everyone. Everyone who made sure I and others stayed alive.

-Adrien's pov:-

"Go!" Ranboo yelled trying to get in his seat properly.

I tried my best to keep the car at a steady pace but it was hard looking at all the things that were destructing my mind.

"Adrien. Hit the brakes." Walter demanded.


He put his seatbelt on and tried again. "Adrien hit the god damn brakes!" He yelled loudly.

I stomped on the brakes very aggressively as told by Walter.

I looked at him to see if he was satisfied but he was too busy looking around the car.

"He's gone, you can go." He spoke softly.

He seemed upset so I wasn't gonna ask questions about it.

I just continued driving hoping it would all come around.

I hadn't any clue where I was driving to but we'll see once we'll get anywhere really.

I decided to make a final regards to the friends I had lost over the past few hours.


A trustworthy person. Someone you could dedicate your whole life to. I'm so glad I was able to call you my friend and if we're going to be honest, I wouldn't be able to call anyone my friend without you. You've inspired me, thank you. Thank you for everything. For saving my life, for being with me, for helping me out in difficult situations, for simply existing. I don't know why but when I think about you I always get reminded by one single word, affable.


If I'm going to be honest, I don't even know why I'm making a legacy of you. You don't deserve it, you don't deserve anything. I'll never forget your sin's, mark my words. vindictiveness, unrightful vindictiveness is what perfectly describes you.


Thank you for leading our group, thank you for helping every single one of us out. With your great leadership I was able to make it out of these woods. I have my whole life reasoned to keep going because of you, so I thank you from the deepest of my heart. You were a great leader and will always be for me. A great word to express you is perseverance.


Honestly I'm never going to get over your loss. You'll always be with me, my little angel on my shoulder. I seriously haven't had a greater time than the times I had with you. I hope you'll always watch over me. I'll never forget how much time we have spent with each other and I'll carry it with me until the day I die. Honestly, I wouldn't wanna frame you into a single word, simply because you're worth more than words, you're worth the world to me.

They might've died but in our hearts, they'll never fall into oblivion. Because as long as we won't forget them, their legacy will always be with us.

"We should head to a police station, we'll be safe for a hundred percent there." Walter offered.

I thought about it for a moment but declined his offer.

"No, no we shouldn't. I'm not done yet."

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