ch11 Personification

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-Elijah's pov:-

Silas was not himself anymore. If anyone would ask him anything it would be some bold reaction of a simple amount of two words.

I wanted to be there for him but I'm just not a good comforter. No matter how hard I seem to try I simply can't do it. My whole entire life has been like this.

I've never really gotten the chance to ever speak out my opinion.

It's always oh Elijah can take those jokes, oh Elijah stop doing this, oh Elijah why are you even here?

It's never how are you? It's never are you okay? It's never we should stop cracking everything Elijah says down.

I'm fed up with this.

Even in a life or death situation nobody seems to think about me.

That leads me to think. "Why do I still put energy into them, when the only thing they do is taunting and damaging.

I shouldn't give them a second chance anymore if they didn't even put the energy into giving me my first.

If I'm not good enough to be a part of this, why wouldn't you tell me?

If I'm not good enough quite frankly I'm the only one who can solve that problem but that can only be accomplished if anyone actually cared, and actually tried.

-Jack's pov:-

Everyone seemed kinda lost in thoughts and looking at our situation it seemed fair.

If I'm gonna be honest I had no time to grief.

If I wanted to get out of these woods alive I needed to focus. Who knew what could happen next?

Nobody knew when the next one might die. And as far as we know who even said another person would die?

It just something you always start thinking after this kind of situation.

But it anyone was next, it wasn't gonna be me.

I'm not going to die yet, I refuse.

And if I were to die now, I'm worthless.

I mean look at the persons who have died already.

It sounds cruel but it is like this, they're not worth anything.

What are you worth if you can't even make it through the first round?

-Esper's pov:-

I still hadn't any clue about what was happening.

It all happened so fast.

We had lost two persons already and who knew who'd we might lose next.

Please, don't kill me. I'm not ready to die, not now. I still wanna do so much in life I hadn't even gotten the chance to do.

I knew my words wouldn't suddenly chance someone's murderous thoughts but I'm dead serious, please, I have so much to live for.

I was scared, frightened as some people might call it.

I knew there'd be a next person that was going to die. I could feel it.

I just wasn't able to feel if my end was near. But I did have a hunch.

If people will die, I know I'll be as unlucky as I usually am.

Me? Luck? No. Fate was never on my side.

While on the other hand, I did get so many friends in such a short period on time which I'm so, so grateful for.

I don't wanna lose anyone, nor myself.

But we'll see what happens, we'll see.

-Silas's pov:-

We had a moment of silence to respect the loss of Tom.

At least that was where I was silent for, I knew the rest was just being greedy figuring out a way to escape themselves.

If I'm going to be really honest, I wasn't hanging along so good.

I mean, the love of my life just died in my arms, who wouldn't feel down?

He didn't deserve this. None of this deserve this.

I didn't like everyone but that doesn't mean I want them dead.

I felt so much sympathy run through my veins, not only for Tom, basically for anyone.

Nobody deserves to go through losing their favourite person, and definitely no one deserves having to go through watching their favourite person die.

I never hoped this. I never wanted this? I never liked this?!

I hope I wouldn't have to go through again.

From this point on I wasn't gonna let anyone fall, no one's gonna get left behind and no one's gonna have more priority's than others.

We're going to get out of this, even if it means we'll have to offer a huge sacrifice.

I'm not going to give up until the bitter end.

-Walter's pov:-

I knew nobody was going to end up listening to me so I was silent the entire time.

After all, what's the point of talking if nobody's listening?

It's the same as writing a book nobody will Read anyways.

I suppose you'd do it to put your pleasure into it, put your anger into those characters. Depending on the mood of the author, the whole book could be a different experience.

I suppose that's why some people just can't seem to ever stop talking. Maybe that's where they put their energy in. Put that aggression in, lose all senses of emotion and keep on chatting.

It's logical once you think about it. Every single flaw of a person is just something that makes them, them. Something that makes them unique, something that makes them special, something that makes them feel loved.

Even though it sometimes turns into a bad habit, it'll always turn out to be a side effect of who you are and always will be.

It's just the acceptance that's hard to deal with.

Some people will never respect those flaws, and some will love you more because of them.

And those who love you for who you are, are the ones that are a part of your life.


Looking at it from a different perspective.

Aren't those friends your flaws?

So I guess that's the point of talking when nobody is listening.

It's a way to comprehend everything you managed to take down, everything you managed to build.
Everything you managed to do. Anyone you've managed to befriend.

It's thanks to them you don't need to talk when nobody's listening because for you, they'll always be listening.

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