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This is my first story, so if something I do is wrong, pls do tell me. Also English is not my native tongue, so grammar and such, may be written poorly, sry bout that. But I do love writing, so if you want, do read my story:)
Also this is a boy x boy story, it has both physically, mentally and neurologically diseases in it, so if it's not for you, then this story will not be for you. Ty for understanding. Have a good read!


Juno's pov:

School council had just ended, and Juno was walking down the corridor after having packed up and going through what had been discussed during the meeting. He was always the last out and the president was long gone. She was planning a "school party" for the students next month and was really excited, considering how normally it was very few party's the school held. However, that didn't stop her from bringing it up at every meeting. And at some point the teachers must have given up.

As Juno turned a corner, a student was squatting down, with a hand on the wall, out off breath, like he had just run a marathon and his knees gave out afterwards . Witch normally wouldn't have surprised him, other than the fact that the corridors in the old building was so small that you couldn't possibly run fast around the corners. Maybe he had fallen, while running? He thought to himself. No, he was leaning against the wall you wouldn't run into.

Juno walked over to the boy. He had learned against the wall now. You could see that he his eyes were closed even though he had sunglasses on. His hazel colored hair was a couple of centimeters longer than the average guy's. He's built was definitely not that of a sport person's, and if he was one to do sports, you couldn't see it from his physique. He was holding one hand over a smartwatch. Sitting there, in silence.

Juno squatted down and touched his shoulder. The boy was warm. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine... I just need to sit... to sit here for a minute- that's all." He was breathing rapidly. Eyes barely open.

"Do you need any help?"

The boy slightly shook his head. Juno nodded even though the boy couldn't see him. He sat himself besides the brunette and tried to initiate a conversation. "So-eh, what's your name?"

The brunette didn't answer. A couple of seconds went by, but still no response. Juno looked over at him. The boy's breathing had slowed down a lot.

They sat there for a while. No talking. Doing absolutely nothing.

"Thanks, Juno." He said after I while, as he began to stand up, slowly, the wall supporting him. Then he went on with his day, as if nothing had happened. Whatever was he thanking him for? He hadn't done anything. He hadn't helped even in the slightest? Some people sure are confusing.

After that day, for no particular reason, Juno began to notice whenever he walked past or ran into that boy. There hadn't been anything special about him. Maybe it was the sunglasses, or the fact that he didn't know why he was hyperventilating in the corridor, that made him curious about him. Or maybe it was that the boy knew his name, when he hadn't introduced himself yet?

But one thing was certain; he still didn't know what the boy's name was. He at least had to get his name. Juno thought to himself.

(This story is about a boy named Eliot. He suffers from a condition called POTS (Postural tachycardia syndrome). I suffer from the same condition, so I have based Eliot's POTS of of my own.
Tho the story is about Eliot, it is written from Junos perspective. From the viewer's perspective, because we all seem to forget that they view it all so different from the "mc". And I thought that it would be interesting to see it from that point of view.
PoTS-syndrome varies a lot from person to person. And because of that a lot of people don't even know what it is. Others don't even get diagnosed, or only after a long period of time.)

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