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Juno's pov:

Eliot liked the nickname! He would definitely spill that tea to Hazel when he saw her next week.

Time passed. Both slowly but surely, also fast. They spent a lot of time on a bench talking. About what, he couldn't quite remember, but he did remember that feeling. The sheer amount of happiness, just by being in Eliot's presence. The sheer essence of joy surrounding him, that only he seemed to see.

He had known that he liked Eliot for some time now. Yet he had only realised his own feelings relatively lately. But how could he? He wouldn't be able to tell how he felt, because of the fear surrounding the fact that maybe he would say no; that he would find it weird. Juno scratched the back of his neck.

And maybe he would stop being friends with him, and he didn't want that. Juno did really not want that. Would Eliot even have the heart to say no? And what if he said yes, but only because he didn't want to hurt his feelings? That would be terrible.

He looked to the side. Eliot was dosing off. Maybe he was already asleep. "You tired Ellie?"

"I-i'm awake." Eliot looked confused around remembering where he was. That he was safe. That he hadn't fallen, only asleep, by Juno's side.

"Certainly are now." He couldn't help but laugh a little. Eliot was tired, he looked exhausted.

"It's getting late. Wanna go home?" The brunette looked drowsy, his hair falling in front of his eyes, when his head turned facing him.

Eliot's smile was forced. He was clearly not well right now. Tho he wasn't sure if it was his pots or not. "Yes. Thank you, Juno. You really are a goddess."

'Goddess'? Well, his name was Juno. It's a name from Roman mythology. Well if he was Juno, then Eliot was surely Jupiter. His Jupiter, his and his alone. He didn't want to share Ellie with anyone. Well except his doctors. And his mother. And maybe Hazel. But except from that..

(The goddess Juno is Jupiters wife, they rule over the heavens. Romans took the gods and goddesses from Greek mythology, when the Roman Empire expanded. Around year 0-ish. The Greek name for Juno is Hera. If you have read Percy Jackson, you are not very likely to like her.)

Even tho Eliot often hid behind the clouds of his own confidence, Juno had gotten better at seeing through those clouds. With time, he hoped that they would disappear.

He was glad that he had caught it in time. Having Eliot faint on him again, broke his heart even more than the fact that he would not reciprocate his feelings. He was powerless in that situation, and he did not like that. Not being able to protect and help someone he cared about, made his stomach turn.

He hated being powerless.

He had always been powerless.

"Mind calling her?" Eliot asked. He shouldn't think like that. He took a deep breath and answered Ellie.

"Your mother?" The brunette nodded. "Of course, Ellie."

"Thanks." He had gotten the mother's number in case anything were to happen and he needed her help.

"She'll be here in 10." He informed the already half asleep, using his shoulder as a pillow, brunette.

"Wanna go say goodbye to Hazel, Juno?" Eliot asked. 'So he wasn't asleep.' Juno concluded.

"Sure, let's do that" Up from the bench they got, looking for a black dress in the night.

When they found her, she was she was holding what seemed to be a little plushie, shaking it like her hand would fall off. "Hi Hazel. We're gonna go now."

She looked up at them. "Okay. Bye." Juno went in for a quick hug, but Hazel took a step back. "Stop. Not right now."

"Oh, sorry bout that. Good night."

"You too."

As they went outside Eliot asked. "What was that?"

"Oh, she just need her space." Letting Hazel be Hazel, and letting her deal with what she wants to do by herself, is the best he could do for her.

(Hello, dear reader! I hope you like my comments like this one:) oh yeah, and the story ofc!
I have had project week this week. And the results from it goes on my final papers... so I'm a little nervous about the presentation next week. I hope me and my friend who is working with me do great. Or... well... good enough. I hope you remember to take some time to yourself and stress down. It doesn't have to go so fast. Remember that you are loved, no matter how good you are at something<3)

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