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Juno's pov:

"Why haven't you done the dishes yet?" Dad said loudly from the kitchen. Oh, f*ck. He had forgotten. Again. His father had asked him to do then when he came home. And after doing his chores like usual, he had vent to his bedroom to get his homework done.

One thing! One little thing, had he asked of him. It wasn't even that hard of a job. One thing. And he couldn't even do that. He wished dad wouldn't yell at him. He hated that ever so much. It was almost unbearable. His heart couldn't take it. But it was his own fault. And he could only blame himself for it.

"Are you going to be like your sister?" Juno's big sister and their dad didn't talk anymore. Witch meant that Juno hadn't seen her in a long time. He hoped that she was doing well. He really missed her.

"I'm sorry I-" Why did he always do that? He was not his sister. He was him: Juno. Why did he have to apologize? Why did his dad keep changing the subject, but still making it Juno's fault? It was a raptly frustrating.

"Do you even wanna be a part of this family anymore?" He had asked that question several times before. Juno didn't even count anymore. It wasn't worth it.

"Yes I do." Cause he didn't hate him. He wasn't even sure what hatred was. It sounded painful, and it wasn't something that he would wish on anyone. He didn't hate his dad. No, he could never hate him. He just really didn't like him. "Why do you always ask me that?"


He wasn't normally that much of a people's person, but everything seemed sizable and adequate when Eliot was with him. Like the rest of the world was nothing more than ants. All that, was nothing. Nothing at all. The world sure was a mysterious place.

He was laying in his bed that evening, his eyes were looking up at the ceiling.He wished Eliot was there. Eliot and his little, but ever so bright smile. And all the comfort it have him. Even though he hadn't seen him for only a weekend, he wanted to talk to him and complain about school to him. Complain about the fact they weren't in the same classes that often. Take him to see the graveyard that he visited, every morning that he had the chance to. To spend time with him. Not necessarily doing something special. Just talk about the little things in life; like how Eliot's day had been. And Juno could help him with his homework. Take pictures of him, and all the places that they would go to. But most of all; look back at those pictures and smile.


"Eliot!" Juno said a little too loudly. Louder than he had intended.

Eliot looked backwards and found Juno in the crowd of students streaming out of the classrooms on each side of the hallway. Juno hurried up to the brunette. "Want me to carry your bag?" He asked him, wanting to lessen his burden and help him as much as he could.

Eliot shook his head; "No. No thank you." They walked out to a tree near an entry door to the library. Even though they had to only sat there a couple of times, it had become their own little world. A place only for them. And the library was always quiet, witch was quite comforting. "I heard something about the school council arranging a party. You really got permission to do that?" Eliot asked inquiringly and looked Juno in the eye like no one else did.

"The president got permission somehow. I have no idea how they do it." Juno giggled. He didn't wanna hide anything from this brunette and it was confusing, considering he never told anyone, anything. "Do you wanna go to the party?"

"I've been thinking about it." Eliot was sitting cross legged, fumbling with the ends on his pants. "Juno, are you going?"

"Probably. Do you wanna go with me?  We could go together if you feel like it." He really wanted to go to the fest with Eliot. But it probably wasn't going to happen, cause of Eliot's disease. Yet he could always hope.

"Let's do that. Thank you" Eliot leaned his head against the tree they were sitting under. He had gotten a lot more comfortable in the short period of time that they had spent together. Eliot had gotten goosebumps, it was a little chilly, so Juno took his jacket and clumsily put it over him, hoping not to wake him up or disturb him, cause he wasn't sure if Eliot had fallen asleep.

He felt a little nostalgic at that moment, but smiled nonetheless. Juno voice was almost silent when he whispered. "Yeah, let's do that."

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