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Eliot's pov:

A beat, double the speed off his heart, Eliot wouldn't call it a song, just way too high noises, only overthrowing by the sound of teenagers shouting to each other. The lights flashed and flickered back and forth in a certain, yet different pattern every time.

Some brave or drunk, souls were dancing in the middle of the floor. Well not dancing, more like moving around. They're eyes seemed foggy. It was like looking at himself when he was dizzy. Expect these, well a majority, wouldn't fall nor faint.

It was quite normal for students to drink before they came to a party, cause for a student, alcohol is pricey at events like these.

He was really glad Juno was here with him, otherwise it would be uncomfortable and unbearable. He had made sure to drink a lot of water and had taken some salt tablets along the day. He had taken his meds. And he had his watch on him. Nothing seemingly, would go wrong. And he just hoped that this wasn't one of the times it then would. "Never say never." He mumbled to himself.

"WHAT?" Juno shouted, even though he was almost right besides him.

"Nothing. Just talking to myself." Eliot said loudly in his friends ear. Juno nodded.

His mother would come get them when he called. That was his reassurance. His mom. Coming to get them out of this. Cause even tho Juno had seemed excited about the party and Eliot had been looking forward to it, now that it was actually happening, it all seemed so much more overwhelming.

"Wanna go get a beer?" Juno asked to Eliot's ear.

"-don't like bear. Let's get something else." He suggested.

They went over to the bar and paid for a drink with a name he couldn't pronounce, but he could see, had the same alcohol level as a beer.

(Don't know what this is called. And my beloved friend,Google, have betrayed me. But I hope you still understand what I'm trying to say.)

Alcohol had always been a 'meh' kind of y hing for Eliot. He didn't particularly care for it, but it's not like he didn't care for it at all.

Juno and him were on the dance floor. After a couple of drinks, the coloured lights seemed to fade, yet only got brighter and he felt out of place there on the floor, surrounded by tipsy teenagers. But he did not feel like going anywhere.

"I'm only tipsy" He thought to himself. His mind was clear, but he couldn't necessarily move his own body the way he normally could. It was weird. He had never felt like this before. But he wasn't much of a drinker, so that might be why.

It felt crowded.

"HAZEL!" Juno waved over someone with an androgynous hairstyle and round, thin sunglasses, dressed in a black dress with a rainbow belt and bracelets on both arms. Some purple-ish, some green-idk, some black and some blue and orange. He had seen Juno talk with her on several occasions: it was the student president.

(Sorry I've haven't updated in some time. (I have no idea how long it's been, like 2 weeks I think:-/ ) I have been busy reading this book of mine, about the human mind, and it's fascinating! I know it's not an excuse, but I don't care. I regret nothing B) )

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