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Juno's pov:

Juno was frightened, he didn't know what to do. Had he done something wrong? What had happened? Was it his fault? What if... No. He needed to calm down, he told himself. Breath in. Hold. Breath out. Repeat. He could do this. It was just like the first aid training, they had learned at school. It was no big deal. Nothing to be scared over.

He checked the pulse on the upper part of the throat; it was rapidly fast. That was bad. Well at least it was there, he thought to himself. He laid Eliot down on the gravy ground, his bag as a pillow case, and lifted his legs so the knees were towards the sky.

(Normally one should lift an unconscious person's feet to the sky. This is on purpose that he doesn't, to show that Juno makes mistakes, but still tries his best.)

It had been about a minute since Eliot had fallen, but nonetheless felt like mush more in Juno's head. He was stroking Eliot's arm, partly to wake him up but mostly to calm himself. He was not sure about what he could do now, so he was just stayed where he was, and if Eliot needed his help in any way, he would do so to the best of his abilities. No need to be afraid, he said to himself, trying to sound brave. Trying to believe his own words. He kept stroking Eliot's arm. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth. "It's okay. I'm here. You have to wake up now."

Eliot opened his eyes slowly but forcefully and looked confused at him. He tried to smile, but what came to be was mostly an awkward one at best. "Hey. Welcome ba-"

"How long was I out?" Voice a little scratchy. Juno wanted to help him sitting upright, but Eliot refused with a simple "No."

He looked questioningly at Juno, like he wanted an answer. Was he uncomfortable? Oh. He had already forgotten; the question. "A few minutes, I think." He wasn't sure how long it had actually lasted, and the brunette nodded, so the answer must have been good enough for him.

He helped Eliot up when he asked him too, a couple of minutes later. "So, eh- what happened?" He asked Eliot, with concern in his eyes.

"Oh, i have POTS." Juno looked questionably at him. He had no idea what that was. Was he supposed to know? Eliot noticed the confused expression on Juno's face, and explained further. "It's a disease. My heart rate gets too high when I stand up or run or when I'm stressed and stuff like that."

That seemed like a fair reason, he thought.

Eliot was holding his arm as they began to walk down the road, away from the school. Juno wouldn't say that Eliot walked slowly, but turtles could easily walk past them. "So where are we going?"

The brunettes eyes was fast glued to the road; concentrating. They had turned a couple of times already, down diffrend roads. "Do you mind walking me the rest of the way home?" He thought about it for a moment. He didn't mind. He had already walked him this far and he had a free class anyways. Might as well help where he could, and nodded in response. "Well then, we're going home."

"Are your disease acting up, since you're going home, Eliot?"

He shook his head lightly. "No, not more than normal... I forgot my watch."

"Your watch...? You do know that there's clocks in the school?"

Eliot tried to hold back a laugh, but didn't seem to be an expert at it and. "The watch counts my heart rate. Whenever it's too high, my watch gives me a warning." The brunette nodded, as if in agreement with himself. His hair fell in front of his eyes when he did so, and his dark green eyes was lit up by the sun, when he looked at Juno.

He was only a little shorter than himself. Eliot's look was comforting, to a degree that he hadn't felt before. Well he didn't usually feel that much, so a little must feel like a lot, right?

"I don't usually forget my watch, but I was really tired this morning, so it must have slipped my mind." Eliot chuckled a little, in pity of himself. They turned another corner. The clouds in the distance was fluffy, but not a single cloud was over them. Not a single car drove past them. Well it was the middle of the day, so it made sense. And even though Juno couldn't set a finger on what, like a fairytale, something felt a little magical.

(I'm not sure if the saying 'to put a finger on something' goes in English. So sorry if it doesn't make sense to you!)

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