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Eliot's pov:

They had eaten the sandwiches and were sitting in the graveyard while talking about anything from school and grades to health and the past. Eliot did not once mention the fact that they were old acquaintances. Cause maybe Juno already knew, and that would be awkward. Or maybe Juno did not remember it because he had thought it unimportant. And maybe he didn't want to be friends with him if he remembered. But what if Juno simply didn't recognize him? It had been quite a long time ago - well seen from Eliot's point of view. Maybe he could tell him later? Another day; another time. And maybe that was for the best; not telling him. Maybe that was all there was; questions, without answers.

Juno stood up, taking the flower he had picked on the way, whit him. "I'll be back in just a moment, Eliot." Then we turned around and walked out of the meadow. As promised, he came back a minute later. Without the flower.

"Where did you go?" Eliot asked absent minded. He was reading something on a gravestone.

"I was just visiting old memories. And you?" Juno replied and went over to his friend. "What are you doing, Eliot?"

"Reading some gravestones. Wanna go back now?" Eliot questioned. Juno nodded in agreement.

Juno's pov:

As they had packed the rest away in the backpack and left the graveyard, relief filled their hearts. They needed to run by the pharmacy, and get Eliot's medication, before going home. The pharmacy was not quite on the way back to Eliot's house, but almost. They had to take a little detour. Juno didn't mind, and Eliot seemed much more alive after getting something in his tummy. (Yes I write tummy. It's a better word in my opinion :p ) the worst that could happen would be freezing their fingers and noses off. And that was likely not to happen, but it felt cold enough, to could.

"Was it a grave of a family member?" Eliot questioned.

"What...?" Did he miss a whole conversation or something.

"What grave that you visited? Was it a family member's?" He had interjected.

"It is. I visit it often." The brunette seemed content with that answer, but Juno wasn't done yet. "It's my sister's grave."

Eliots expression went dull. "Oh... My condolences."

The rest of the way they walked in silence. Until Eliot noticed: "Your hands are freezing, Juno!" Eliot hissed at him. They stood in front of the pharmacy, ready to go indoors. Juno looked down at his hands. He couldn't really feel them, so he must have forgotten the coldness surrounding them.

"Ups." He looked with a smile at Eliot, who looked at him hopelessly.

"What am I to do with you?" The brunette asked, acting like a theatre kid. He took Juno's hands with his gloved hands and took them in his own. He breathed hot air on his ice cold finger. Trying to get some life back in the red fingers.

They walked into the pharmacy, and over to the front desk. The walls were white, and the bottles on display were a great many of colours. There wasn't a great lot of people, to witch Juno was grateful for.

"Hi. I'm picking up some of my medication." Eliot said with a smile to the pharmacist.

"In what name?" They asked, tasting something into the computer in front of them. He could not by definition tell if the pharmacist was male or female, so he just assumed that they were non-binary.

"Eliot Phedeux." Eliot announced.

They tasted something else in on the computer and looked back up at Eliot. "P-h-e-d-e-u-x?"

"Yes." The brunette stated.

"Your right there. Let me just get it for you." They walked into the back room. The pharmacist came back with a little white paper bag, and placed it on the counter. "Here you go. Anything else?"

Eliot shook his head and the pharmacist nodded. "Have a nice day."

"You too." They replied.

Eliot looked at Juno with a smile. "Wanna go back home now?"

"Sure." Juno smiled back, he couldn't help himself. He had gotten some colour back in his cheeks; light pink, almost red.

(While figuring out what Eliot's last name should be, I for some reason thought it to be Pedeux. But then I Google translated it, like any good not-French-knowing person would do, and found out it means foot. I'm not sure if I wanted for his last name to be that... So I just put an H in it, cause why not? It's still pronounced like foot in French tho. Hehehe)

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