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Eliot's pov:

"Good morning sunshine" His words were as sweet as candy. Today was going to be a good day, with Juno here, that he knew for sure. The light shined onto the duvet, that was keeping his body warm and comfortable in its grab. He tried his best to focus on his friend as his vision stopped blurring, cause of his eye sleepiness. Juno was sitting crisscrossed on his chair, but got up and put the book back on the shelf, to it's friends, the other books. Then Juno left the room through the open door.

He sat up in his bed and suddenly knew it was going to be a bad day instead of a good one; he felt nauseous. He could feel some acid reflux in the back of his throat. The taste was wrecked. Disgusting.

Juno walked in with a glass of water and saw an Eliot in distress. He hurriedly walked over to him, with the glass putting it on the counter table. "Eliot, what's happening?" He asked, in a panic he was trying to conceal but failed at. He did not know what to do. Should he do something?

"My socks... can you get me my socks?" That was a weird request, but Eliot's thought process had always been 2 steps ahead of him, so he had just learned to listen.

"Where are they, Eliot?" He tried to calm himself down. He was most likely making a big deal out of something that wasn't. Eliot had been been taking deep breaths since Juno had come into the room. Then he leaned forward to reach the mini table where the water had been placed, half a minute before, when his eyesight decreased around the glass. Shit, he thought to himself, as the bed approached him, blurring into darkness.

Juno had found what looked like socks, though they were weirdly long and had a zipper. Then he heard a soft bump, and Eliot was laying face down on the bed. "Clara! It's Eliot... um, help?"

Eliot's mother was down with them as fast as her legs would carry her. She smiled reassuringly at Juno, before saying. "Thanks for alerting me, I can handle it from here."

Juno had walked out of the room and nervously walked around in circles. Around a minute later he heard talk from Eliot's room, and he could breathe a sigh of relief. He waited another 10 minutes before Eliot walked out, with a little help from his mother, wearing the odd socks. He was a little pale, but already looked much better.

Juno couldn't help but smile.

It had been 2 hours since he had fainted. Juno and He had gotten the rest of the biology homework done. Through Juno had done most of it, cause Eliot had been a victim of brain fog most of the time.

"Are you okay with going outside?" Juno was a bit uncomfortable in the situation. Eliot nodded. He just wanted to get away from everything. He hoped the outside could blow his troubles away. He wished dreamingly, knowing that reality didn't work that way. Juno smiled nervously. He was obviously a little uncomfortable in the situation.

"That's great." He answered.

They went out to get some warmer clothes on. The weather had been cold as of late, with the seasons changing, and Eliot's mother had asked them if they could stop by the pharmacy to get some of Eliot's medication, he was running low on, to witch they had agreed. She had also packed them some food and water, for if they got hungry or needed any. Eliot apologized for his mother's way of being, but Juno laughed it off, and told his friend that he found it quite endearing. This made Eliot's ears slightly red-ish. And he hurried over to the front door and out into the vast world. Juno took the food Eliot's mother had made and put it in the bag. He then thanked Clara and walked out after Eliot.

(Wait!!! Should I write pov's, or do you all just know when it changes, like I do? I know my mind and mindset is... different. It has always been that way, so I sometimes wonder if what I understand as obvious, is actually not. That I change the pov from one sentence to the next.)
(I have changed the pov for from the start, so just ignore this.)

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