First meet

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An alarm suddenly goes off. It was Xiao's Alarm. He immediately turns it off, Checking the time to see that it was 5:25 AM. He sighs before rubbing his eyes and getting out of bed. He changes into the Liyue uniforms and puts on his bright red eye shadow, Putting it across his eyes. He checks the time again seeing it was officially 6:15. Zhongli wakes up Hu Tao considering she's a heavy sleeper, Ganyu was luckily, Already awake. They're all ready as Zhongli was making breakfast for everyone. Turns out they had Pancakes for breakfast, Zhongli gives them all lunch money. The money was actually from Childe since hes basically Zhongli's wallet.

They left at 6:54 so right now Zhongli is driving them all to school. Hu Tao is constantly annoying Xiao, Ganyu kept on falling asleep- So Zhongli got her some coffee to keep her awake. Eventually, They made it to school at 7:08. Hu Tao left to go see Xingqiu, Chongyun and Xiangling while Ganyu hung out with Keqing. And Zhongli was in his class finding the test papers, So Xiao was always alone.

Eventually someone ended up bumping into xiao from behind, Making him fall. " Ah! Sorry- " they immediately turned around to help Xiao up but Xiao just glared at him. " I don't need your help. " Xiao slapped his hand and got up himself observing his looks. The boy had 2 braided hairs with teal coloured at the tip of his braids. He was wearing the Mondstadt uniform except with shorts and his sleeves rolled up. " Haha! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning " Suddenly his friend spoke up. " Sorry Xiao- He was being a knuckle head and was walking backwards. " " Knuckle head?! Is that really what you see in me? " the guy spoke back immediately " Whatever. Just keep your friend away from me, Aether " Aether felt bad although it wasn't even his fault " Wanna have Almond Tofu at lunch? My treat. Since you're probably having a bad day " Xiao seemed in a much happier mood but shook it off. " Fine. Only because It's Almond tofu " Xiao walked off in what looked like a very pissed off mood. But he was actually really happy and excited. He looked at Aether like; Wtf. " What? " Aether noticed. " Why didn't you introduce me!? Do you know how rude it is to no introduce a friend to a friend " he pouted in utter disappointment. " I'll introduce you guys at lunch, Chill. Now lets go to class before we're late " (Class starts at 8:20, It's 7:50 now)

Xiao sat down at the back of the class as he waited for class to start. Suddenly, The guy that bumped into Xiao was in the same class as him. His eyes lit up and was somewhat glad that he was in the same class as Xiao. So he could befriend him of course. The guy sat next to Xiao and waved to him. " Hiya " Xiao looked at him before looking away. " don't talk to me. " the guy froze in disbelief " Rude! " Xiao scoffed. " You know, a Hi back would be nice " He put his elbow on his desk as he rested his head on his head, Somewhat pouting at xiao. " I told you not to talk to me " the guy sighed. " So cold heart'd. In that case, I'll try my best to befriend you, All mighty " his pout turned into a slightly devilish smirk. " Don't waste your time on such a thing. " Xiao demanded as the random 2 braided male replied with a giggle. " Whatever you say " he turned his head to the front and paid attention to Sir. Albedo's lesson.

After the lesson they all went to lunch. Aether bought Xiao some Almond tofu although Xiao had his own money. However, That random guy was nowhere to be seen. " Where is he? " he was constantly texting the guy to try see where he was. " Where's who? " Xiao replied, Curiously. " The guy that bumped into you this morning. " Can you help me find him? " Aether asks as Xiao sighs. " Since It's you, I will do it. " While searching for him for around 10 minutes by now, He was surprisingly in the music room, Playing the flute. " Venti! There you are " Aether says, Interrupting Venti's playing. " Huh? Don't you know It's rude to interrupt a bards instrument playing? " Venti says being interrupted for the 5th time now. " So that's the name he goes by.. His tunes are.. " he sighs interrupting himself. " Forget it. "

" We've been searching for you everywhere, Why weren't you answering my texts? " " It was you texting me!? " Venti says in annoyance " Yes!? Why weren't you at the cafeteria? " Venti calms down " I decided not to go. Besides, I got free apples for playing my wonderful tunes " " You could've at least told me " Aether says. " Ehe... Sorry,  Thought it was Diluc. He's been messaging me nonstop for stealing his drinks " Aether looked at him in disappointment " You seriously need to stop stealing from there. You've already been banned 6 times " " ehe " venti says with a nervous smile while slightly rubbing the back of his head. Xiao starts walking away as Aether notices. He assumed Xiao just wanted to be alone. Besides, He had to go find his sister anyways. So he wont disturb Venti no longer " I'll see you later Venti " " Bye Aether " Aether leaves as Venti continues to play the flute

suddenly, Venti went to the back of the school as xiao followed him for some reason. Once Xiao made it behind the school Venti was beaten tf up by a tall, Platinum-haired women with a white work/school uniform looking shirt, Slightly unbuttoned with heels and black gloves. Xiao was shocked to see Venti in such a state. " Should've held your tongue. " the women says before kicking venti into a wall leaving venti unconscious. Xiao rushes to Venti once the women left. " Dammit. " he picked up venti before taking him to the nurses office.

guess thats the end. at least 1071 words put into this story :)

XiaoVen Highschool storyWhere stories live. Discover now