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Venti perspective:

I met up with Heizou, Noticing him for a distance

" Heizou, Hey! "

Heizou smiled at me before waving

" So, How've you been? Hows that new dorm mate going along? "

He asked curiously

" Ah, I've been fiine. However, My dorm mate is a buffoon. But I believe we're getting close! "

Heizou smirked at me while walking to a boba shop

" Oh really~? "

I stared at him annoyingly 

" Don't get any ideas you turd "

Heizou laughed before we made it to the boba shop. We both ordered and left as I saw Xiao with.. Lumine's brother??

" Hey, Xiao! "

I said, Waving from a distance

Xiao stared at me before sighing. I think he thought he finally got rid of me-

" What're you doing here? "

He asked me curiously with Heizou behind me.

" Getting boba, You're Aether, Right? Lumine's sister? "

I turned to the blonde male that looked similar to Lumine just- A male with long braided hair.

" Ah, Yeah. You must be Venti, You're my sister's friend. "

" haha, Yep! Are you two dating orr~? "

I asked, Slightly teasing

" Oh- Oh! Nono, We're just friends "

Aether said to me with his hand behind his hand.

" Aww, Really? "

I was kinda disappointed, I also noticed Xiao seemed upset when Aether said that they were just friends.

" I kinda assumed you both were dating "

I slightly choked on my boba.


Heizou yelled at me furiously.


Heizou still seemed mad. Xiao was also against the idea

" Sorry, You guys just seem close. Besides, Xiao isn't the type to invite people in his life so easily "

Xiao sighed and stared at Aether like;  Please stfu

" Weelll~ I am the master of making friends! "

I say confidently

" Venti, You're literally friends with the Math Teacher, A police officer, A guy who owns a winery, The Principal and Vice Principal AND the History Teacher"

Heizou states

" I have school friends too! That being Lumine, You, Barbara, Kazuha and Hu Tao. And sort of Razor and Bennett but I don't talk to them much. And like, Half of the Mondstadt students, So don't come to me saying I'm friends with adults! "

" Wait you're friends with the History Teacher and Hu Tao? "

Xiao asks curiously

" Ah, Well, I guess you can say that. I've known Morax for a while now so there's no surprise. And I know Hu Tao because of Morax so we became good friends. He told me he also works at a funeral parlour with Hu tao. Lumine helped me sort of reunite with Morax "

Xiao stared at me slightly

" Are you allowed to call him by that name during school grounds? "

He asks

" Well, No. But I do it anyways, He doesn't mind! Well, At least sometimes- "

Heizou grabs my wrist [NOT A SHIP]

" We should get going now. Cya guys later "

The touch from Heizou sort of surprised me

" Right, Bye! "

We both left and walked off

Xiao perspective:

Both me and Aether said our farewells and walked in the opposite direction or Heizou and Venti. However, Just at the sight of Heizou and Venti being close made my blood boil.. And I don't know why.. Why did he just suddenly grab him like that..?

[ hhh I apologise for not posting for so long ive been losing motivation but i promise ill make more soon ]

XiaoVen Highschool storyWhere stories live. Discover now