New Dorm mate

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Venti suddenly woke up, he had a bad headache and a sore stomach from that kick. " ughh... " Suddenly Barbara goes over to venti and places her hand on his shoulder " You're awake! How're you feeling? " Venti sits up before groaning. " Horrible.. " Barbara give him some painkillers, Painkillers that were from Zhongli actually. " Take these! " Barbara states. Venti nodded before taking them. " How did I end up here? " " Some boy came in with you all beaten up and just left.. I don't exactly know his name " Barbara says " Ah, I see. " Suddenly, Barbara asks venti if he was stable enough to head back to his dorm and/or be able to go to school tomorrow. " I'll try sleep it off, Thanks anyways Barbara " Venti smiles at Barbara as she smiles back.

Venti gets up, Taking his bag with him and going to his dorm, Opening the door to see that someone's bag was here. It didn't look like Heizou's... He assumed that he finally had a dorm mate, going to the other room and froze.

' IT WAS THAT GRUMPY GUY!? ' Venti thinks

Xiao glares at him as he was on his laptop. " What? " Xiao says, Wondering why Venti was staring at him like that. " You're my dorm mate!? " Venti says in shock. "Is that a bad thing? " Xiao glares at him, Angrily. " I- Uh- W- Well- Noo~... " " Then why're you so shocked? " Xiao interrupts. " Sorry, Sorry. It's just new to me having a dorm mate. "

' especially with someone who hates communicating.. '

" Tch " Xiao says before going back to what he was doing as Venti sighs and leaves. Venti puts his bag down and changes into a regular white shirt with black shorts as Venti unbraids both of his neatly made braids made by Lumine. as Venti walks out of his room to eat something only to see Xiao also in the kitchen eating Almond Tofu. Venti was a bit surprised to see Xiao again and noticed Xiao was eating almond tofu as he smirked before sneakily going up to xiao and taking xiao's almond tofu and eating it

Xiao IMMEDIATELY grabs venti and pins him on the wall. " You DARE to touch MY food!? " Xiao states as Venti quickly swallows the almond tofu and laughs " Why? Was it your only one? " " Yes. Yes it was. " Venti giggled " such a shame~ " Xiao hesitatingly let go of Venti, Furiously walking off. 

" hehe~ " Venti was proud of himself for making Xiao mad. Venti eventually grabbed a fresh apple and went to his room and just started watching TikTok's while eating the apple. Eventually he finished the apple and fell asleep.

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