Mystery girl

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Venti seemed annoyed to see her again. He sighed " What now Rosalyne? " Xiao stares at the women, Shocked.

' It was her! That's the women that beat up Venti behind the school '

" Don't call me that. You have no right. " 'Rosalyne' stares at Venti, Pissed. " Alright, Signora. What do you want. " Signora looks down at venti before holding under ventis cheeks " You know what I want " Xiao stares to see if Venti will do something. " Look~ It's a day off! So kindly leave me alone, Yeah? " Signora slaps Venti. " Disgusting filth "

Xiao seems pissed. " That face you wear looks out of place.. Did you steal it from your masters face? " Venti smirked as Signora kicks him to a wall, Again. Xiao was going to literally fuck up Signora until Raiden Shogun went up to signora grabbing her neck and pinning her to a wall. " Touch me students again and I will ruin you. " She demands before throwing onto the ground, death staring at her.

Signora glares at Shogun before getting up, Brushing herself off " The Fatui will hear about this... " she says before leaving. Venti randomly hugs Shogun " That's why you're my favourite Rai! " Venti says, Grinning. " Don't touch me Venti Windborne. " Venti laughs before letting go of Raiden " Don't get into anymore trouble do you hear me. " Venti smiles and nods, Thanking Shogun before taking Xiao and heading to a public park.

" Who the hell was that? " Xiao asks. " Hm? Oh! That was just Signora. She holds a grudge between me because I 'killed' her husband. " Venti says nervously. " Well did you? " Xiao says in a serious tone. " W-Well~... Not exactly..? " " You seem unsure " Xiao interrupts. " Oh hey, Look! They're selling balloons! " Venti dragged Xiao over to the balloon stan.

" Two ballons please! " he asked, Proudly. The man gave the balloons to both Venti and Xiao. " How much? " Venti asks. " It's free for a beautiful lady " Venti froze as Xiao looked pissed before Venti cleared his throat " I'm a guy.. " both of them looked at Venti like; WTF??? " YOU'RE A GUY!? " the man states. " Ehe? " Venti shrugs. The man apologises and gives them free balloons anyways.

They both left while  Xiao was still shook. Venti stared at Xiao, Noticing that Xiao seemed strange before finally speaking up. " What's up? " Xiao stares at venti before finally saying something " You're a guy..? " Venti froze at the question. " YOU DIDN'T KNOW!? " Xiao cleared his throat. " It's just you looked like a girl- So I assumed.. " Venti looks at Xiao, Offended. " I WAS LITERALLY WEARING THE BOYS UNIFORM " " YOU WERE WEARING SHORTS " Venti stares at Xiao in shock " AND THAT'S SUPPOSED TO MEAN SOMETHING!? "

Xiao and Venti argued about Venti's gender for their entire walk back to the dorms until they eventually stopped and went to their rooms and changed.

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