Movie night / Breakfast

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Xiao perspective:

Xiao sighs in exhaustion. Finally, He can rest. However, He was absolutely wrong.

" Xiaaooo! Let's watch a movie together! "

Venti came to my room with popcorn and a bunch of snacks. I stared at him before sighing 

" No. We've already spent the whole day together. "

I said in annoyance. I was not gonna hang out with Venti any longer than I already have to.

" Besides, I have to study for the upcoming exam on Wednesday. "

Venti sighs

" You just enrolled into the school thoughhh! Besides, I doubt that they'll allow you to do the exam on your second week of school "

Venti says, Proving a point as I eventually gave in. I already had a TV in my room my fathers 'friend' gave me. I didn't like him one bit but hes with my father so I can't do much to prevent them from being'friends '

After Venti settled into my bed which I did not agree on with a bunch of snacks for the movie we were going to watch he asked what movie we should watch. I thought for a moment. However I thought of nothing for the past 2 minutes so I let Venti decide. Venti jokingly put on a romantic movie which irritated me until finally we were able to pick a movie for the both of us.

After a while Venti offered me some popcorn but I declined. Venti stared at me with a pouting face before stuffing popcorn into my mouth.

" Eat up buttercup! "

He said to me after putting popcorn into my mouth around 3 times while grinning at me in somewhat annoyance. I managed to consume the popcorn before starting to cough as if I choked on the popcorn.


I said furiously but Venti just giggled and continued to watch the movie while eating the popcorn. In hesitation I grabbed some popcorn myself and throughout the whole movie we ate the snacks that Venti gathered for us.

After a whole hour of a somewhat boring but interesting movie I felt tired, And so did Venti considering he fell asleep on my shoulder 20 minutes ago... I didn't wanna wake him up since he looked so peaceful.. Eventually I gave in and decided to wake him up, Or- Try to.

" Venti, Wake up. "

I said but Venti wouldn't wake up so I started shaking him. Eventually Venti groaned and I assumed he was gonna wake up. However, He didn't..

" Ughh.. 5 more minutes old man... "

He mumbled, Suddenly attaching himself onto me. I tried getting him off but gave up as I turned off the TV and put all of the left over snacks or any rubbish off of the bed. I allowed Venti to sleep in my room just once. I'll tell him about it when he wakes up, I checked the time noticing it was 11 PM which is unusual for me since I slept way earlier. I ended up falling asleep after a few minutes.

Venti pespective:

I awoke from my slumber as I yawn seeing Xiao next to me, Still asleep. I quickly get myself off of him in embarrassment before getting over it and checking the time to see it was 10 AM. I gently rub my eyes and clean up the mess Xiao and I made last night.

I put the left over snacks in the kitchen cabinets and the rubbish in the bin. I eventually went into my room and went into the bathroom that you received in your room if you get a dorm. I washed my face to wake me up more before getting into the shower. I got out after 10 - 20 minutes and started drying my hair and changing my clothes. I walk out of the bathroom still trying to dry my wet hair at the moment, Heading to the kitchen.

I put my wet towel on the table and started to make some pancakes for breakfast. By now it was 11:25 AM as I finished the pancakes at 11:50. I got a plate and put a stack of 3 pancakes with maple syrup on top of it and put a yellow berry on top of it grabbing a knife and fork and went back to Xiao's room.

" Xiaaoo~! "

Xiao woke up and stared at me.

" Ughh.. What time is it..? And what's that smell? "

He asked me curiously.

" It's almost 12, And I made pancakes. "

I handed him a plate as Xiao stared at them, Unsure if he should eat them. I slightly sigh.

" I did a taste test, Don't worry, They're good! "

Xiao still looked unsure, Despite the fact that the pancakes looked delicious and smelt delicious he didn't trust Venti. But he gave in and ate a piece of a pancake. It was.. Delicious- 

" I didn't know you could cook- "

I giggle slightly

" There's a lot you don't know about me. And there's a lot about you! I'll be in the kitchen if you need me "

I grinned at Xiao slightly before leaving the room.

Xiao perspective:

I watched Venti leave before looking back at his homemade pancakes and devoured them. They were too delicious to give/throw away. His pancakes made me full before noticing that my room was pretty clean.

" I didn't even notice he cleaned my room- "

My whole attention was on the pancakes and I was pretty grateful. I got out of bed and brought my empty/dirty dish to the kitchen and started to wash my dishes.

" Soo~ How was it~? "

Venti asked me from behind just as I finished my dishes

" Horrible. "

Obviously I didn't wanna admit it was good.

" Really? So why'd you eat it? "

He frowned. Guess he actually believed me-

" I have manners, Venti. "

Venti looked very unsure about me having manners.

" Yeah, Okay- Anyways, Shall we go out today! "

Venti asked me excitedly. I declined Venti's offer ofc, But only because I don't feel like going out today. Venti pouted at me

" Booo. "

He said to me, Almost like hes calling me- Boring

" I'll go by myself then "

Venti said while sighing. I didn't want him to go by himself but  I didn't want him to go either- I was worried he was going to bump into that tall lady again but I didn't wanna stop him from leaving without making it sound weird

" Why don't you ask your friends to go out with you? "

I asked as Venti's face lit up

" That's a great idea! "

I left the kitchen, Glad that he was gonna go out with someone with him at least.

Venti perspective:

I texted any of my friends to hope they'll at least be available now and luckily Heizou was available so we met up at the public park.

[Sorry I haven't been posting anything I've just been focused on other things and my other wattpad story]

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