Grr XiaoTher/j

428 5 5

Venti's perspective: 

Me and Heizou spent the rest of the day together, By now it was 5:25 in the afternoon. I stretched my arms letting out a yawn as I sighed.

" We should head back to the dorms now before we get even more distracted and the gates close "

I did wanna hang out with Heizou more but I was somehow, Very. Tired.

" Yeah, You're right... LAST ONE THERE IS A ROTTEN SLIME "

Heizou started boosting it to the school without making it a fair race.

" HEY. "

I yell out running after Heizou, Luckily the school wasn't far from where we were now. After a bit we made it to the school and ofc, I won.

" Ehee! Look whos the rotten slime now! "

I say, Cheekily

" Okay, Okay, You got me with that one "

He says under his tired breaths as I giggle.

" Well, I'm off. Bye Heiz! "

" Byee, Cya tomorrow! "

I happily skip to my dorm as I walk in to see... XIAO AND AETHER MAKING OUT?? Oh, Oh no. No, They haven't even kissed- yet. My bad.

Me opening the door must've frightened them as they broke apart immediately, They seemed embarrassed by the sight of me walking in.

" Ah, Sorry, I should go now. Bye Xiao, Goodbye Venti "

He bowed at the both of us which seemed like an apology for me catching them kiss, Or- Almost. Aether walked out the door as Xiao's face blushed insanely. Once Aether left I closed the door and smirked at Xiao as I giggled.

" Ohohoo~ Did I interrupt something~? "

" Shut it. "

Xiao interrupted me as I laughed. He marched to his room embarrassingly. He knows I'll tease him about it from now on. I went to my room and changed my clothes. After an hour of being alone I went into the main room to see Xiao on the couch eating Almond Tofu. At last, It's time...

" Ehe, Soo~ What did you and Aether do~? "

I say, Hopping on the top of the couch, sitting on it.

" None of your business " 

He says with an attitude. I sigh in quick defeat before falling back, laying on my back with my legs hanging up. I close my eyes and relax despite the pretty uncomfortable position i'm in.

Xiao's perspective:

I stare at Venti, Somewhat observing him.

' These past few days I've figured out that hes VERY nosey. But he's also kinda... Ugh, No Xiao, Snap out of it. You like Aether.. But.. '

I sigh, Relaxing myself and trying to keep my mind off of things. Until i started to think about the ALMOST kiss that aether was gonna give me. But then that- Bard ruined it. I groan in obvious annoyance

" oh~? what's up with you huh? "

I glare at him as he shook in fear

" forget it "

I say

" ehehe, Okay? "

he said in what sounded like a cheeky tone. After just a few seconds of silence he says something.

" ohh! I know now! You're mad because I interrupted your kiss, Aren't you! "

I glare at him intensely

" what's it like having brain damage while being in that type of position "

I say teasingly

" WH- I- I do NOT have brain damage! I'm smarter than you think! "

He said while sitting properly now with his legs crossed.

" Whatever you say "

I say, Getting my empty plate that was once filled with almond tofu and left to wash my plate

Venti's perspective:

' Stupid Baboon '

I think to myself before walking to my room. I put on some calming music on my headphones and fell asleep with my  phone one charge of course. By now it was 10PM

                                     [ very sorry for not making a new chapter in like, 20 Yrs :') ] 

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