No school

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Venti yawns as he checked the time before noticing an email from the Principal saying; [ there will be no school today so sleep in in you'd like ] Venti smiled, GLAD there was no school since its the weekends. Venti gets up and changes into a green hoodie, Black pants and puts on a very well detailed beret with a cecelia flower on it.

Venti called Heizou to see if he wanted to hang out. However, Heizou said he was hanging out with Scaramouche. " Hmph, Simp. " He ended up asking Kazuha but he said that he was sailing with Beidou so he'll be gone for a week so he asked Lumine but it turns out shes having a get together with her brother. So he asked Hu Tao. But she had to 'look after' Qiqi. He sighed, Being bored and having nothing to do.

He shrugged and went to Xiao's room. " Hey Xiao, Wanna hang out today? " Xiao immediately replies with a straight NO and continues whatever he was doing. Venti pouts. " Fine, I'll get some Almond Tofu by myself " Venti 'unintentionally' bribes Xiao. " Wait for me. " Xiao says, Getting up and trying to find something to change into. " Hm~? " Venti teased. " I said wait for me. " Xiao demands

Venti giggles. " Alright, I'll wait for you in the kitchen " Venti says before leaving the room as xiao changes into a teal like hoodie on with a write T-Shirt underneath and black jeans, Putting on his usual red eye shadow and coming out. " Let's go " Xiao says, Ready to leave. Venti smiles before grabbing a bag and hanging it around his shoulder down to the other side of his waist " I know the perfect place.

nvm, Shortest chapter I've made

XiaoVen Highschool storyWhere stories live. Discover now