Windblume festival!!!

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Venti perspective:

I woke up hours ago at 6:23 AM, It was 8:01 AM Right now, Xiao still seemed to be sleeping so I don't think he'll be coming to the Windblume festival, A shame, Really.

I was making myself some pancakes and ate them quickly before noticing Xiao walking into the room.

" Morning Xiao! "

Xiao rubbed his eyes tiredly, I think he heard me making a racket in the kitchen...

" What're you doing at this time of the morning? There's no school until Tuesday " (It's Sunday today)

I noticed he didn't know about the windblume festival

" Ah! I'm getting ready for the Windblume festival, I'll be leaving in a few hours so im eating breakfast so I won't be hungry when I get there. Do you wanna come with me? "

I asked

" Uhh..? The 'Windblume festival'? What's that? "

I was stunned at the fact that Xiao didn't know about the Windblume festival before remembering that hes out of town

" That's right, You're new in Mondstadt. Well, The Windblume festival is an event we celebrate every year. It's basically a festival to celebrate the thousand winds of mondstadt

I explained to him.

" The thousand winds of Mondstadt? "

He asked, Again. Does he really not know anything about Mondstadt?

" You know.. Barbatos? God of freedom? Uses an anemo vision? "

He caught on quickly

" Oh, Him. My fathers talked about him a lot. "

I was a bit surprised. I thought Zhongli had no interest in the god of Anemo

" He does?? What does he talk about? "

I asked curiously

" That's not my business to say "

I pouted before shrugging it off

" Fiine "

I've already finished my homemade pancakes, As I was about to leave, Xiao stopped me.

" Venti, Wait. "

I turn around to see what Xiao wanted

" Yeah? What's up? "

Xiao hesitated as he asked for a request

" Could you... Could you make me some pancakes? "

I was a bit surprised at the request but smiled

" Sure, Why not! "

I headed back to the kitchen and made Xiao my amazing homemade pancakes, I'm so glad Lumine taught me how to cook... Besides, I wasn't leaving in a few hours and the festival doesn't end until a week, So I had PLENTY of time.

While I was making the pancakes Xiao kept asking me about the festival.

" What's at the festival anyways? "

He asked me curiously

" Hm? Oh, Well, You know. Lots of wine, people performing, Goodies you can find around the area, They add new things each day since they always run out because of the amount of people at the festival. It's usually crowded. I'm going there to perform on stage with this new poem I've created with the help of my brother. "

I explained to him just as I finished the pancakes.

" Done! "

I stacked the freshly made pancakes onto a plate adding some toppings and giving it to Xiao to eat.

" I better head off now, I'm meeting up with Lumine and the others in a bit, Are you sure you don't wanna come? "

I offered him quite a few requests to join me and my friends at the Windblume festival but he always declined my offer

" I'm sure. I'm not a fan of big crowds anyways. "

I sighed in defeat since I couldn't convince him any longer

" Alright, I'll see you in a bit, Bye Xiao! Oh, And, By the way? "

" Hm? "

He hummed confusingly

" Tell me when you're bringing a friend over so I don't stumble on your first kiss. You know my number! "

I winked, Teasing him as Xiao choked on his food, flustered by my sentence as I giggled slightly

" Bye now! " 

I waved him a goodbye before exiting the door and running in the halls.

Xiao's perspective:

I stayed silent for a bit, Blushing like crazy. Groaning in embarrassment, Hiding my face.

                    [ no srsly give me a name for the nameless bard i beg of you :'( ]

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