Chapter 13

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3rd Person Pov

The sun rose to the palace windows and spread its light upon Shen's room where he watched (y/n)'s chest rise and fall in slow rhythmic breathing. He studied her, her hair moved, her nose twitched and her eyes tightened like she was trying to figure out something. But instead of learning just her appearance he also tried to figure out what was going on with his heart. Why did she make it tighten? When he saw the look on her face when he explained how he gave her the spiked tea.

Why did it hurt him? He never wanted to see her face like that ever again. There was a knock on the room door but he dared not move an inch. What if he missed something? Something really important?

"Lord Shen? Breakfast has been prepared." The peacock didn't move, causing the wolf general to get anxious. He gulped and cautiously took a step forward followed by another. "L-Lord Shen?" He raised his right feathered arm quickly aiming a feathered sword toward the male's neck.

"That will be all, leave us be." The male nodded and quickly ran out slamming the door behind him but in doing so made the female's eyes shoot open. Shen watched as she slowly sat up and placed her hand on her head. She looked to be in pain. With steady words, he opened his mouth and spoke.

"Are you hungry?" She shot her head towards his direction before scooting to the other side of the bed, raising the blanket up to her nose. Shen smiled softly and slowly sat up raising both arms into the air. "Be not afraid, I'm not going to hurt you." The female's eyes continued to linger on the male's form, still suspicious of the male but allowed the blanket to drop down to her chest.

"Who are you?" Shen chuckled and sat on the bed before sliding his hand towards the middle of the bed.

"I'm your husband." The female squinted her eyes towards him in disbelief causing him to smile. "I can tell that you don't trust me. But if you'd like I'll prove it to you." He held out his hand and watched as she stared at it before slowly raising her hand and placing it in his. He slowly pulled her towards him towards the edge of the bed before lifting her onto her feet causing her legs to wobble and flop back onto the bed.

"Hmm, It seems you are unable to walk, I'll go fetch a wheeling chair." He turned to walk away but stopped realizing she was still holding onto his hand.

"P-Please...don't go. I-I feel scared." He looked down at her confused before sitting in the chair in front of her.

"Why do you feel scared (y/n)?" He looked down, biting her lip in the process as she couldn't really understand it herself. Why was she scared? Why didn't she want to be alone? And the question that occupied her mind the most was, who am I?

"I-I don't...know who I am. I don't want to feel alone." She rose her head with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. "If you really are my husband then don't leave me here by myself. Stay with me please." He stared at her in shock before slowly raising his hand towards her cheek which she gladly excepted as she snuggled against his palm.

"Do not worry, I'll never leave you." She opened her eyes and looked at him with such hope and sadness, her cheeks were a warm pink, and she wore a simple white tank top dress that seemed to tighten around her figure. While bringing her unconscious body towards the palace he ordered the maids to carefully bathe her and dress her in something comfortable. Seeing her like this now stirred something in his chest causing him to lean in and kiss her.

He slowly stood up and placed his hand on her side and pulled her closer. He couldn't control himself she was just too stunning. She pulled away to gasp for air causing him to blush and also catch his breath.

"W-Wait please, this is-" He leaned in again, capturing her lips in his, forcibly pushing his tongue into her mouth causing her to moan and move her head. "W-We can't do this I-" He quickly laid her onto the bed, attacking her neck with bites and kisses causing her to blush and cover her mouth. He placed both of his hands on her legs bringing her lower half closer to him, rubbing her thighs in a circular motion causing a moan to escape her mouth. P-Please, I don't know your name-" He silenced her again with another heated kiss, trailing his left hand up her body, rubbing her belly softly, and adding a bit of pressure. He pulled away to catch his breath and looked at her quivering body. He gulped and slowly slid off his robe causing her to gasp and place her hands up.

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