Chapter two

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3rd person pov

Shifu sat under the tree playing his flute softly. His ears twitching every once in a while. Tigress nodded to Monkey who nodded back. The ran from behind the tree and up into the leaves. Crane was on the roof of the J-palace looking down at Shifu. Mantice and Viper looked towards each other and jumped towards him. He opened his eyes and blocked their attacks. Tigress and Monkey jumped from the trees trying to strike a blow only for Shifu to turn around and grab them and twist them onto the floor. Crane flew down and spun trying to strike the red panda only for Shifu to move out of the way and kick him to the tree. "Students!" They all stood up and lined up and placed their fists in their other hands. "Tigress! Monkey! Are you trying to disappoint me!? Viper! Mantis! quieter! crane! You!" He pointed towards the duck having him scream and jump back. "Sorry. What is it?" The duck sighed and placed his feathers together. "Master Oogway want's to see you." Shifu nodded and ran away and towards the dragon scroll room. He breathed in and out and bowed. "Master? you called me?" The turtle's head popped out of his shell and climbed down from his staff. "Hello, Shifu." He slowly walked towards the thousand lit candles and blew out one. "Is there something you wish to speak to me master?" The turtle lifted up a finger and blew out another candle her turned to Shifu then turned back and slowly blew out another one. Shifu looked at him dumbfounded then brought back his hands and blew out all the candles out at once. "You were saying, master?" Oogway sighed and didn't look away from the candles. "I had a vision...Tai Lung will escape." Shifu gasped and gripped his shirt tightly. "I-Impossible." (y/n) sighed and walked out of the shadows. "Oogway always says nothing is impossible." Shifu sighed and turned around towards the duck. "Zeng! Tell them to double the guards! Double the weapons double everything!" He nodded and flew away. "Today is the day I will call upon the dragon warrior." Shifu and (y/n) nodded towards Oogway. Then Shifu turned towards the snow tiger. "(y/n)...are you alright?" The female looked down and rubbed her belly. "I don't know." She then turned around and walked away and out of sight. 

Somewhere else~ 

Zeng sighed and arrived at the dangerous Jailhouse and walked towards the two guards. They growled and pointed their spears at them. "Wait! I came bearing a message from Shifu!" They nodded and pushed him inside towards the Rihno in charge. "A-Ah! Commander Vachir. I come bearing a message from Shifu." The Rihno turned around placed both his hands on either side of his stomach. "A message? Well then! Let's hear it." Zeng smiled and laughed awkwardly. "Well um...ya see." 


"WHAT?! You don't think my jail is safe enough?!" Zeng shrieked and laughed nervously. "Ah hehe...Shifu does not me." The Rihno laughed and hit his back. "Come on...I wanna show you something." They both walked towards the elevator like contraption. "Bring us down." The Rhino guard nodded and pulled the rope having the contraption go down slowly. "I have a thousand guards and one prisoner." Zeng sweatdropped. "And that prisoner is Tai Lung." Vachir laughed. "He's never gonna escape this."  They landed on the floor right in front of a caged Tai Lung. "I-I think I'll wait here." Vachir laughed and pushed Zeng along. "Don't worry! He's caged." Zeng gulped and stood in front of him while Vachir circled around him. "Hey, Tai Lung! Did you hear that the dragon warrior will be chosen? And it won't be you." Zeng gasped. "Don't get him angry." Tai Lung stood their frozen thinking of all the wrong he did. He didn't even notice when Vachir stepped onto his tail. Heh, I probably deserve it... Vachir laughed and looked towards Zeng. "So then...when is (y/n) due? Is her stomach big?" Tai Lung seemed to snap out of his trance and listen to their conversation. "Oh! A-Any month now. Her stomach has gotten very big. And Oogway will be saying the gender after he chooses the dragon warrior!" Tai Lung gritted his teeth. Then exhaled from his nose. "That's great to here!" Vachir said all happy like getting Tai Lung madder by each passing second. "Well then let's go. Nothing to see here anymore." Zeng nodded. "Yes, I'll tell Shifu that there was nothing to worry about." They both climbed onto the contraption and went up. Zeng accidental dropped one of his feathers in front of the snow leopard. He smirked and wrapped his tail around it and pulled it back. "I'll come back for you (y/n)...I'll try to make thing's right again." 


The furious five jumped from the J-palace once their names were called. They landed and struck a pose. The crowd cheered and drums were being played. "And here are the two masters of the J-palace! Master Shifu and Master Oogway! The two masters walked towards the edge of the stairs and waved having the villagers cheer. "And introducing (y/n)!" She appeared from behind Shifu and smiled and gave a wave. The three watched as Tigress fought machine like dummies that swung fire whips. Monkey and Crane did tricks in the air making the crowd go wild. Then Viper and Mantic did moves and fought each other. (y/n) smiled then looked up and sweatdropped seeing a panda fly in the air and land on the other side of the gates. Oogway smiled and lifted up his hand. "I feel the dragon warrior among us." Shifu gasped and nodded towards the five having them line up. The drums began to play and Oogway walked down the steps. "So...who do you think it's going to be?" Shifu shrugged his shoulders. "Probably Tigress...tho she lacks patience." (y/n) nodded. "Tho it would be nice for Tigress to be the dragon warrior." Shifu nodded and smiled. Then a figure sitting on a chair shot up into the sky screaming and exploded in fireworks. All the villagers smiled. "Ooh, Ah." The chair turned to dust and disappeared having the figure fall to the ground. "Oh, my." (y/n) said climbing down the stairs and towards the unconscious panda. She bent down next to him and placed her ear on his chest. "His heart is still beating." She said signing with relief. The panda opened his eyes and looked around. He bent over and tried to stand up. He signed and stood up and his eyes widen seeing Oogway pointing his finger towards him. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I just wanted to see who the dragon warrior was!" He smiled and helped (y/n) to her feet. Tigress then walked forward. "Were you pointing at me master?" Oogway shook his head. The panda scooted over only for Oogwya's finger to follow him. "Him!" He said smiling proudly. "What?!" Everyone said in unison. Then a pig came over grabbing the panda's hand and raised it up. "We have our dragon warrior!" The crowd cheered while the furious six and master Shifu had their mouths open wide in shock. They watched as he got carried away and turned towards Master Oogway. "He turned towards them and smiled. "....What just happened?" 

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