Chapter 4

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3rd Person pov

Tai Lung opened his golden eyes and narrowed his gaze. Now's my chance! He quietly nodded to himself and by the speed of light placed the duck's feather in the keyhole and moved it around unlocking it. The green and black needles went upwards having him sigh in relief. He held out his right hand and pushed out his long black claws. He inhaled and did the same to his left hand. He breathed in and the needles popped out of his back and the turtle shell like rock around him broken apart. He yelled in glory and tried to break free of his chains. I'm coming for you (y/n)! I promise I'll make thing's right!" Commander Vachir looked over to the wall gasping. "What? What's happening?" Zeng said looking over. He looked down at Tai Lung and gulped. Vachir growled and slammed his hands on the wall. "Men! to you're battle stations!" All of the Rhino guards ran around to their stations. "Fire crossbows!" Tai Lung growled and looked towards the two guards. They shot two in which he skillfully dodged. Then two more were thrown in front a behind him. He growled then smirked. They fired the last one in which he moved out of the way and had it cut off his chain on his left hand. The two guards gasped and one of them covered their mouths. Two other guards pointed the huge crossbow towards him. He smirked an flicked it with his palm and kicked it towards the machine having it break. "Bring it up!" Vachir yelled having them bring up the elevator like contraption. Tai Lung sighed and cracked his neck. He smiled thinking of a distant memory. 


"Tai Lung! Tai Lung!" He stopped training and turned around seeing the love of his life running up towards him. He smiled and opened his arms only for her to jump on him bringing them both down. "What was that for?" He groaned having her laugh. She kissed his cheek and smiled. "Were you the one that placed the roses on my doorstep?" He looked down at her and smirked. "Nope." She looked at him and frowned. "Really? Huh...Guess it must be from the village boy I met down by the lake the other day. He was a really sweet and nice boy." Tai Lung narrowed his eyes at her. "Excuse me?" She smirked and got up and crossed her arms. "Yep! It must be from him. He did say he was going to bring me roses one day." He growled and wrapped his arm around her waist and brung her close. "First of all! Yes, it was me who placed the roses on your doorstep and Second of all! If I see that Village boy I'm gonna rip him apart." She laughed and kissed his lips. He kissed back passionately and she pulled back, smiled and started walking away. "Don't worry...there was never a village boy." He looked towards her dumbfounded then smirked. "Uh...Tai Lung?" He smirked then started running up to her. She shrieked and ran away. But she wasn't fast enough and he caught you. You both laughed and in the far back stood Shifu, Tigress, and Oogway smiling. 

Flashback over~

He sighed and looked toward's the wall and immediately got an idea. He nodded to himself and grabbed two huge arrows and threw them in the air and kicked them into the wall making a way to get up. He threw the last two and sighed. He jumped and huffed then Jumped back on the last arrow and jumped onto the arrow's hoisting himself up. "Fire arrows!" He looked up and sighed loudly and jumped under the wooden part of the elevator. They guard grabbed an ax and cut the chain sending the elevator falling towards the ground. "Haha, yea." The guards high fived their axes only for Tai Lung to jumped in and kick their head's sending them to the wall. He looked over quickly analyzing everything then nodded to himself. He kicked the chain wheel and grabbed ahold of the chain and jumped off the building and to the other side of the wall. He growled and started beating up the guards on by one. He knocked them away and ran to the other room. The two guards slammed the door shut but he barged in breaking the door off its hinges. He stood up straight and glared at the commander. They both growled at each other and Zeng gulped. "Were very very dead." Vachir laughed. "Not yet were not. Now!" The archers held up their arrows and shot at the huge pointed rocks with bombs on them. He looked up and growled and watched as they broke apart the bridge. He jumped over the broken rocks and jumped in the air. He reached out his hand to grab the ledged only for him to miss it. He landed on a falling rock with a thud. He gasped and looked up. No! I was so close! I can't give up now! I...I have to see her...I need her! He looked up thinking for a moment the looked up at the last big rock that was still stuck to the ceiling. He nodded to himself and jumped up all the rocks and onto the giant rock. He grabbed the dynamite strings and jumped towards the guards. "Should we start running?" Vachir nodded. "Y-Yea." 


The door's busted open sending all the guards outside. Tai Lung sighed in relief and checked if the guards were still breathing. He noticed one that had a deep gash in his chest. He tried to turn away and run but something held him back. Alway's be good Tai Lung. He sighed in annoyance and turned around facing the man. He shook his head and facepalmed. "She's really gotten to me." He sighed and walked towards the guard. "G-Get away from m-me." The snow leopard rolled his eyes. "Shut it!" He bent down and wrapped his wound. "W-Why help me?" Tai Lung stood up and sighed. "Because...(y/n) taught me that." He then looked down and walked away. He sighed and picked up Zeng and smiled. "I'm glad Shifu sent you...I was starting to think that I was forgotten." Zeng tensed up and shook with fear. "Fly back and tell them-" "T-That the dragon warrior is coming back?" Tai Lung looked at him unimpressed. "No...Actually...tell (y/n) that her future husband is on his way." Zeng nodded and was thrown into the air and flew away. Tai Lung smiled and cracked his neck and began his months journey back to (y/n).

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