Chapter 8

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3rd Person Pov

"The dragon warrior is here!" (y/n) sighed and dropped her arm over Tai Lung. "It's always Po that gets acknowledged. It's not fair!" She pouted and crossed her arms having everyone sweatdrop at her. Tai Lung chuckled and placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around. "Don't worry love...After this, I'll make you dumplings and rub your shoulders how does that sound?" She smiled and kissed his cheek. "I so deserve it!" A male wolf growled and ran towards the two. They both turned and glared at him. "You're interrupting us!" Tai Lung yelled picking him up and throwing him towards a roof. "Get em!" They all charged towards the wolves and attacked. (y/n) punched one of them in the throat and kicked another one far away. Tai Lung and Tigress jumped into the air and punched most of them off the hillside. Po jumped onto a roof and tried to fight off a bunch. (Keyword: tried) Tigress gasped and kicked a wolf of the hillside and jumped onto the roof and grabbed his arm and pulled him from under the wolves and tossed him back smacking them off the roof. A wolf hit (y/n) in the stomach with a hammer. She looked up and glared causing him to gulp. She pulled the hammer out of his grasped and smacked him off the hillside. The leader wolf looked around and shook his head. He looked towards the side and howled having wolves wave and pull up the ropes that wrapped around all the metal. "Help me!" (y/n) looked towards crane and nodded. "Tai Lung throw me!" He nodded and grabbed her wrist and spun around and let go having her fly into the air. She grabbed ahold of one with the male pig in it and cut it with her claw. She grabbed ahold of him and jumped from the rope. "Crane!" He turned and gasped. He flew into the sky and grabbed the two and landed on the ground. (y/n) nodded a thank you then threw the pig male into the air and kicked two male wolves that ran towards each side of her. Just then one wolf hit her back with a hammer causing her to yell in pain. Tai Lung turned around and growled. He jumped into the air and landed on the wolf and kicked him off the hillside. "Are you alright (y/n)?" She nodded and stood up and cracked her back. "Jeez, that hurt." Tai Lung side with relief and punched a male wolf without looking. "Is everyone ok?" Everyone turned towards Po and cheered. The leader wolf growled and charged towards Po. "Don't worry I got this." He took a stance and smirked until he suddenly stopped. "Po! Look out!" Tigress yelled running up behind him only to get sent into the air along with Po. They both landed with a groan. "Chew on that tubby!" The wolf yelled laughing and running towards the rope and was pulled into the air. Po and Tigress got up and the rest of the team ran up to them. "Po...what happened?" He looked towards (y/n) and rubbed his cheek. "I...I saw...I gotta go." He stood up and ran away. 

Somewhere else~

(y/n) sighed in satisfaction as Tai Lung rubbed her shoulders. "III-Sooooooo-Deservveeee-Thiiiiissss." He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "(y/n)! Tai Lung! We have a problem!" They both looked towards Viper and nodded. They both stood up and followed her towards the others. "What's the problem master Shifu?" The red panda turned towards them and rubbed his temples. "I got a letter regarding Master Croc and Master Ox that they have been defeated along with Master Rhino. Lord Shen has taken over Gongmen city." Tigress nodded. "So then we defeat Lord Shen." Shifu shook his head. "It says he has a weapon to defeat Kung Fu and wants to take over China forever." The furious seven looked at each other and back to Shifu. "You all need to stop him at all costs!" They all bowed and turned to go pack. "Wait! Shifu! Do you think you could watch the quadruples?" Shifu sighed and rubbed his temples. "I-I can try." Po looked at them and smiled. "Don't worry Master Shifu! I called in someone that can help." Everyone turned towards the stairs seeing Mr. Ping walking up the stairs with a huge backpack. "Thank you for all you're help." (y/n) and Shifu said bowing. "Ah! No need! I know all about parenting." He laughed and followed Shifu to the baby's room. The others nodded and grabbed there bags and jumped down the stairs. Mr. Ping smiled and sat down his huge backpack. "Alright, Shifu! Let's see who I'm working with." He opened the door and gasped seeing all the babies jumped around and ripping and breaking stuff apart. "Oh my..." Mr. Piing said with wide eyes. "Well let's get started." Shifu said walking into the room.

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