Chapter 10

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3rd Person Pov

They sailed under the bridge and jumped out and climbed up the wall. "Alright, there's his palace let's go!" Po was about to jump away only for Mantis to grab his foot and pull him back. "Are you crazy?! This place is crawling with wolves!" They all looked down seeing the wolf guards walking around and pushing around the villagers. "Ooh, I don't like them." (y/n) said holding back her fists. "Hey! What are you doing?!" They all turned their attention towards two pigs holding hands. "You know the law. No love in the village! Boy's take them away." Two guards came over and took them away. "What? No love? I'ma have to talk to this guy." Viper said glaring towards the guy. "I have a plan!" (y/n) said smiling. "They all turned towards her confused. "And that would be love?" Tai Lung said crossing his arms. "What If we sneak our way across the village, Sneak though his palace. Find the weapon. Destroy it. Then end him in his sleep?" They all looked towards her wide-eyed. "What? Is it not a good plan?" Tai Lung sighed and hugged her. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" Tigress rolled her eyes and smiled. "We'll sneak on the rooftops. Move out!" They all nodded and jumped away onto the rooftops and continued on there way. "Wait a minute...where's Po?" They all stopped running and looked around. "How can we lose a guy that big?" (y/n) looked down and sweatdropped. "How much you wanna bet he's in the dragon costume?" They all looked down seeing Po in the dragon costum bumping and breaking things. Tigress facepalmed while the others shook there head. They all jumped down and got into the costum. "Po." He gasped and slapped Monkey causing the others to laugh. "Oh, it's just you. Sorry." (y/n) giggled and looked out of the side of the costum. "Wait Po stop walking!" He stopped and they all listened to the conversation between the two wolf guards.

Wolf 1: "Yea I heard the last princess didn't end well."

Wolf 2: "Really? I herd Shang said he won't stop until he finds his perfect bride."

Wolf 1: "Really? I heard he gave up after the last one. Man, she was annoying."

(y/n) smiled and cracked her knuckles. "I have a new plan." Tai Lung looked towards her and glared. "Please don't tell me." She nodded. "Yep! and listen to this, is a good one."


Sheng sat down on his thrown in silence. Complete and stelthy silence. It was very peaceful. "SIRE! Another princess requested to see you!" He sighed and rubbed his head. "No. I don't want to see another one. I'm done with finding a bride." The guard smiled and bowed. "Trust me, my lord...She isn't like the others." He rose an eyebrow in confusion. He then rolled his eyes and got up from his seat and walked down the stairs. "This better be good. If not I'll kill you for ruining my peace and quiet." He gulped and nodded. They both walked down the long flights of stairs and looked towards the door seeing no one. "Well? Where is she?" "This she has a name." They both turned around and stared wide-eyed at the female. She turned around from looking at all the stairs and smirked. Shen couldn't stop looking at the female before him. She was different that's for sure. Amazingly beautiful. She smiled and walked towards him and bowed. Her Giesha dress fit her perfectly. It was a long black dress with slits going from her thigs all the way to her ankles. Scattered all around the dress was Sakura flowers.

He coughed and bowed. "Hello, there princess?...." She smiled. "(y/n) Lord Shen." He smiled and held out his arm for her to take. "I will show you around the palace...If you like." She smiled and wrapped her arm around his causing him to blush. "I would love a tour around your beautiful palace. He smiled and guided her up the stairs.


"CRANE HERE!" Po kicked up the barrel of bunny kids in the air causing Crane to take his hat off and caught them.

"PO IS WATCH OUT!" Po looked in front of him and growled as two wolfs jumped towards him. Tai Lung jumped from the ground and pushed the two into ten sky before they could touch him. Po smirked and landed into a abandon building where the leader wolf stood holding his huge two sided hammer.

"Ready when you are Tubby." Po glared and went in for the kill. Side kick blocked, face punch hit, side punch blocked. He growled and grabbed the wolf's tail and threw him outside and jumped after him. The wolf growled and landed on his feet and turned towards the panda ready to swing at him but Po blocked it ramming his fist in the wolf's chest knocking the air out of him. He coughed up blood and fell onto his knees.

"What? Is that all you got?" Po said as he kicked the wolf having him fly far and smack into a wall. "ITS PATHETIC!" And Po yelled running and kicking the wolf though the wall. The wolf groaned as Po landed on top of him. His feet on his chest making it hard to breathe. Po looked up seeing all his friends in hand cuffs, Tai Lung winked at him having him nod. Two wolf's ran over and hand cuffed him and pulled him off the wolf. He smirked and joined his friends as they walked towards the palace.

"Captain!" One of the wolf's said running up to
The barley breathing wolf. "What happened?!" He coughed and allowed the wolf to help him to his feet. He hitched over and held his stomach.

"That something we've never faced before...he's pure blood lust." Po turned around at that exact moment and smirked at the wolf having him stiffen. His eyes...those damn eyes were filled with evil. He chuckled and followed close behind his friends.

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