Chapter 17

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I've come to feed you all


The panda groaned as he felt something call to him. It felt urgent...but why? He did have friends right? Ya he did but...where were they? And where was-

Wide dark maroon eyes watched in hopelessness causing him to gasp and snap his eyes open. Only to groan and slowly lean back onto what appeared to be a makeshift bed.

"W-Where am I?"

His voice cracked as it had lacked any moister, how long had he been asleep?

"Ah, I see you're awake Panda."

The male looked towards the side seeing a small female goat with red robes covering her small frame.

"You...I've seen you...somewhere...before."

His eyes narrowed as he remembered exactly where. Right next to that peacock bastard that tried to kill him.

"You...were standing next to that bastard."

She smiled and nodded before holding out a small bowl of soup. He refused to look at the food and continued looking at her eyes, trying to find a hint of evil or distrust in her orbs.

"Eat need to restore your strength."

"How do I know I can trust you?"

"Why would I save your life if it was my intention to kill you?"

The male thought for a moment before begrudgingly opening his mouth causing her to smile and pour in the warm liquid.

He swallows and nodded in thanks before slowly sitting up. Now noticing the small pins covering his body.

"How long...was I unconscious?"

"Two days." She spoke as she turned around to pour more soup into the bowl. "And in the span of two days, all of your friends were captured."

Po paused and quickly went to stand only to yelp in pain as she hit the needle in his knee.

"You must not get up so hastily panda."

The male nodded and took a breath before glaring.

"H-How did they all get captured?"

The female hummed as she remembered it all clearly.

"The snow leopard...he was impulsive. He charged after Shen after hearing of your demise. It was a trap from the start. For Shen knew he would be charging him that very same night.

The monkey and Crane were reckless as well. Providing help for your comrade, not realizing their own danger.

The mantis and Snake, they snuck onto the ship the next morning in hopes of rescuing them, but they were caught.

And as for the tiger sisters."

The Panda's eyes widen at the mention of the females. Which didn't go unnoticed by the female

"One was irate and uncontrollable. She managed to kill a hundred soldiers that night with just her bare hands. Even with the arrows shooting into her shoulders she continued on...until she couldn't anymore.

As for the other sister, she was stabbed and chained and locked away in Lord Shen's room on the boat. They set sail tonight to conquer all of china."

"W-Wait." He managed to breathe out as his body began to shake. "W-What do you mean till she...couldn't anymore?"

The goat looked towards him silently before looking towards the side.

"I don't know what happened after she was captured...but Lord Shen spoke of killing your friends as he begins to set sail. He talked about setting them all on fire as a warning to anyone who tries to stop him."

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