Chapter 14

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Three Years Ago< Tai Lung's Pov

Who am I? 

What is my purpose? 

I seem to just hurt everyone around me. I didn't mean to hurt monkey at all but seeing him so close to her, telling her these horrible jokes making her giggle, how she lightly punched his shoulder, and how he elbowed her side. I couldn't help the anger I felt in that single moment. I didn't realize my feet moved in their direction until I stood a few inches away, both stopped and looked at me with happy smiles. 

Why was he happy? Was he trying to rub it in my face that he could make her laugh so easily? 

"Tai? Are you ok sweetheart?" 

I didn't look at her, I kept my focus on monkey who gave her a slight side eye and that single glance told me everything I needed to know. The emotion behind that stare that lasted a millisecond. Before I could even realize what I was doing, my hand was already up, my claws slowly growing out before being pointed at his neck. 

"Run away, I don't want to hurt you." 

I watched him tense up, his eyes widening in fear. 

"Tai Lung! What is the matter with you?" 

I felt my gaze shift to hers, her (e/c) eyes stared at me with concern. I didn't like it, why does she see me like this when It was so obvious he was trying to flirt with her? Didn't she see that? Couldn't she hear it? 

"I-I'm sorry, I'll get back to training," 

Monkey spoke before walking away. But I couldn't allow him to. She needed to hear from him that he was flirting with her. 


I watched as he ceased his movements, his head slowly turning toward my direction. 

"Tell her what you were doing." 

He gave me a confused stare before scratching the back of his head. 

"Oh uh, I was telling her a joke?" 

I felt anger building up from the pits of my stomach, a low menacing growl escaping from my mouth making him shake in fear. 

"Tai, what is the meaning of this?"

She asked, grabbing a hold of my wrist but I refused to look at her. 

"Tell her exactly what you were doing." 

I started to walk forward as my claws scrapped the wall. I watch the male pale in fear behind falling backward onto the ground. Trying to scoot away from me, like that could ever work. I could break his neck in a millisecond. 

"I-I was! I-I was-" 

He gulped and closed his eyes tightly as I hovered over him. 

"You were what?" 

"I was flirting with her!" 

I stood there and watched as he slowly uncovered his eyes and looked toward me before quickly getting up and scrambling away. 

"Tai Lung!" 

Damn, I turn around to see Master Oogway staring at me with a look of disappointment. I switched it over towards her seeing her look at me in fear. Oh no, what did I do? I thought I was doing the right thing! 

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