Chapter 7

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3rd Person pov

Shifu stood their quietly on the top of the stairs. He watched as the villagers evacuated. He closed his eyes and breathed in then opened his eyes seeing someone he wished never to see. "I'm home...master." Shifu glared at him and stood up proudly. "This is no longer your home. And I am no longer you're master." Tai Lung nodded and looked away. "Oh have a new favorite...So where is this Po?...Did I scare him off?" Shifu glared at him. "This battle is between you and me." Tai Lung sighed and turned around. "'s not...I cannot fight you." Shifu raised an eyebrow. "And why not?" Tai Lung sighed and looked up into the sky. "Because...this is a battle between me and Po...I cannot fight my father." He then jumped away leaving Shifu stunned. He looked down and breathed hard. "N-no...Tai Lung!" He jumped into the air and grabbed his ankle and threw him into the J-palace. He stood up and dusted himself off. "This is between you and me! Why must Po face you?! Why have you become evil?!" Tai Lung stood up and kicked him to the pillar. "You knew I was destined to be the dragon warrior! You always knew. But Oogway said otherwise. And what did you do?...WHAT DID YOU DO?!" He punched him having Shifu block it and landed behind him. "YOU DID NOTHING!" Shifu growled and kicked him towards the wall. "You were not destined to be the dragon warrior! That was not my fault!" Tai Lung shook his head. "Not you're fault? Not you're fault?!" He grabbed a vase and kicked it towards him. "Who filled my head with dreams?!" Shifu jumped out of the way and kicked a sword towards him but he blocked it kicking it towards the wall. "Who drove me to train until my bones cracked?!" He grabbed a shield and flung it at him. "Who denied me my destiny?!" He picked up the big sword and kicked it towards him. Shifu pushed it and twirled it to the floor. "it was never my decision to make!" He growled and ran towards Oogway's shrine then paused. "...Is he really dead?" Shifu narrowed his eyes. "Yes! He's gone." Tai Lung sighed and grabbed the other staff and turned around and tried to make a blow on Shifu. They both broke the staff in half and paused. Tai Lung growled and kicked Shifu towards the wall only for him to push him away. "He growled and clawed at the pillar creating blue flames with his paws. "All I ever did, I did to make you proud!" he swung at Shifu having him dodge and try and kick him but Tai Lung dodged. "Tell me! Are you proud of me now Shifu?! Huh?! TELL ME!" He punched him far onto the floor and sighed having the fire from his paws die down. He growled and started walking up to him until Shifu spoke. "I have...I have always been proud of you. From the f-first moment I've been proud of you." Tai Lung stopped walking and his facial expression changed. "And it was my pride...that blinded me. I loved you too much to see what you were becoming...What I...was turning you into. I'm...I'm sorry." Tai Lung fell to his knees and cried. Shifu looked towards him and started crawling. "T-Tai Lung." He looked up towards Shifu and hugged him crying onto his shoulder. The sun appeared from out of the clouds giving off a warm sensation. "Hey!" They both pulled away and turned around seeing Po out of breath. "....Stairs..." He started breathing hard and held his knees. "Who are you?" Tai Lung said standing up. "Buddy...I'm the dragon warrior..." Tai lung looked towards him unimpressed. "You picked him?" Tai Lung asked having Shifu shrug. "You? Him? He's a panda. You're a panda. What are you gonna do? Sit on me?" Po chuckled. "Don't tempt me...No...I'm gonna use this!" He pulled out the dragon scroll having Tai Lung's eyes widen. He looked down towards Shifu and rubbed his temples. "'re telling me...Oogway chose him!" Shifu chuckled and stood up. "Yes, he did." Tai Lung rolled his eyes and got into stance. "Alright, Panda...let's see what you've got." Po smirked and held out the scroll come and get me!" Tai Lung waisted no time in punching him towards the pillar and caught the scroll. Po flew back and hit him towards the pillar. Tai lung's eyes widen at this. He growled and ran up to him kicking him out of the J-palace and down the stairs. He kicked him to a tree and landed on the bridge. Po looked around and chuckled. He Jumped from the tree having it hit him into a house. He growled and jumped down and kicked him down the stairs. They both fell and hit almost every step and fell onto the floor. Po fell into a huge pot of noodles and smiled thinking of an idea. Tai Lung smirked and was about to catch the scroll till noddles wrapped around it bringing it towards Po. It hit him in the head and fly over a house. Tai Lung jumped into the air about to catch it till Po pulled his ankles down and jumped into the air. This panda isn't half bad. Tai Lung smiled to himself and jumped into the air and into a bunch of bamboo trees. He came out walking on two bamboo sticks. Tai Lung jumped over and reached out his hand about to grab the scroll till a pan was thrown at his head. He growled and took it off seeing a bunch of pans on the floor. One of them covering the dragon scroll. Po smirked and started moving them around. Tai Lung sweatdropped trying to pinpoint the right one. "Lightning!" Po yelled having Tai Lung roll his eyes and create wind blowing all the pans away. Po gasped and started fighting Tai Lung making sure he didn't reach the scroll. Tai Lung pushed the sticks away having Po fall on him and the dragon scroll roll away. He growled and kicked Po away and ran after it. Just when he was about to reach it he heard yelling. He turned around and regretted it quickly. Po was on a cart of firecrackers next to him. He went past him and grabbed the scroll. He cheered until he hit a wall sending the scroll in the mouth statue of a dragon. Tai Lung stood up and looked around then ran towards him. Po looked up and tried to think of the scroll as something else. He imagined a bowl of dumplings and started climbing up. he growled and punched the building sending him down and the scroll flying. Po gasped and started climbing up faster. He jumped into the air and grabbed the scroll smiling. Tai Lung jumped behind and kicked him towards the floor. He twirled and punched him deep into the floor. He stood up dusting himself off and walked over towards the scroll. "Now then...let's see what's inside shall we?" He opened it and started at it shocked. "....I-It's...Nothing!" Po stood up and smiled. "It's ok...I didn't get it the first time either." He stared at Po not saying anything. "What?" Po chuckled and dusted himself off. "There is no secret ingredient...It's just you...You have to believe in yourself to become special." He looked towards the scroll and smiled. Tai Lung breathed in hard then exhaled and threw it behind him. He outstretched his hand and smirked. "You truly are a warrior." Po smiled and shook his hand. The villagers came back towards the village and cheered seeing Po and Tai Lung shaking hands. "Tai Lung!" He paused and turned around quickly seeing (y/n). "...(y-y/n)?"

She smiled and outstretched her arms. He took a few steps closer towards her then ran and jumped on her. She laughed and hugged him tightly. "I have missed you (y/n)." She cried into his fur having him chuckle. "I've missed you to Tai Lung." They both stood up and he dipped her kissing her passionately. They pulled away and he set her back on her feet. Then his smile faded. "W-What happened to the baby?" (y/n) smirked and snapped her fingers. "You mean babies." Monkey and crane walked over carrying four babies. He looked towards her shocked them looked towards the babies. "F-Four?" She nodded and watched as he walked up taking to babies in his hands. "Their all boys." She said happily having him smile. "What did you name them?" She smiled taking the other two babies in her hands. "I was going to have you name them." Tai Lung looked towards the two boy's that looked like (y/n) with there tiger stripes. " about...Cheng and Chang." (y/n) smiled and nodded. He looked at the other two boys in (y/n)'s hand. One of them with stripes and bigger than the other one. The little one looked like Tai Lung. "He smiled and thought for a moment. "Jian for the bigger one...and Liang. (y/n) smiled and nodded. "I like the names." Tai Lung smiled and kissed her again.


Everyone was back in the J-palace training. Tigress and Viper were in the training room. Monkey and Mantis were cleaning the trophy room. Crane and Po were helping (y/n) put the diapers on the babes. "They're so adorable!" Po squealed having Cheng giggle and squeeze his finger. Crane smiled and laughed as Change grabbed ahold of his beak. (y/n) hummed and placed a diaper on Jian. Liang already had his diaper on and crawled out of the room and to the one across where his father and Shifu were meditating. Tai Lung meditated with Shifu on a daily bases to keep his anger issues down. Liang giggled and crawled into the room and jumped onto his father's legs. Tai Lung's golden eyes open and he looked down seeing Liang giggling on his lap. He smiled and picked him up. "How did you get in here little one?" Shifu opened his eyes and smiled at the two. (y/n) came walking in worried then smiled. "Seems like Liang wants's to spend time with his father." Tai Lung laughed and stood up and walked over towards (y/n) and kissed her head. He turned around and bowed towards Shifu and walked out. Shifu smiled and closed his eyes. "...Finally...inner peace."


Two children played in front of the J-palace training room doors. "Finally the dragon warrior and furoius five are a team!" The small bunny said holding up a Po action figure. A small pig child giggled and held up a Tigress action figure. "Enough talking...Now let's fight!" They stared making the action figures fight until they heard groans and moans from the training room. "Listen Listen! You can hear them training right now!"

Inside of the room:

They all stared wide-eyed at Po who put 37 dumplings in his mouth. "How is he doing that with his face?!" Mantis yelled. Tai Lung sighed and banged his head on the table. "How are you fitting all those dumplings in your mouth?!" Tigress and (y/n) nod in agreement. Po groaned and placed the last one in his mouth. "38! Bean Buns!" They all cheered while Tai Lung and Tigress watched in shock. "New record! You monster" Mantis yelled having them all laugh. "Keep going! hit 40!" Monkey yelled pushing the plate his way. "There's no way he can get to 40!" Crane said shocked. "Do it!" Tigress and (y/n) screamed. Po smiled and picked up two bean buns with the chopsticks. "I' 40!" "Bet!" Tai lung yelled having Po nod. He placed the last two in his mouth having them all stare in shock. "Yea!" They all cheered and crane walked up. "Good job!" He patted his back having all the bean buns fly out of his mouth. Tai Lung stopped one from hitting (y/n) in the face. "Gross." Tigress smiled. "You're training as paid off." Just then a bell ringed having Po gasp. "Master Shifu! I'll be back guys!" He waved and ran out. "So...who else can get to 40?" BANG! BANG! BANG! They all gasped and turned towards the doors. "The villager's are in trouble!" Viper said having them all run out. They all jumped up towards the hillside where Po, Master Shifu, and the quadruples were. "Po! The village is in danger!" He turned towards them and nodded. "Don't worry Shifu I'll master that move as soon as I get back." Tigress turned towards him and frowned. "No snack stops." He laughed and jumped up and grabbed Crane's legs. "Wait your serious?" They all rolled their eyes and landed in the middle of the valley.

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