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Tired, hungry, decimated army, led by commander Saekul Er'ulrath, was slowly approaching Vallsynk, the enormous port city on the northern shores of the lake Kabial. A rather large crowd gathered on the streets, wholeheartedly welcoming the return of soldiers. Their enthusiasm soon subsided, seeing all of those dead and wounded young men. With their heads held low, the morose procession continued its journey in silence, towards the hills to the east of the town. There, surrounded by small hills, stood the town's cemetery.

Modest ceremony didn't last long, but every single soldier received an honorable farewell. Steady as a statue, Saekul saluted, watching their bodies being placed into the graves, one by one. Elf showed no emotions. But deep inside of him, there was a battle between the duty he had for the city, his soldiers and the orders that the city councilors gave him. They were the ones sending these boys to die.

Captain Lutir's presumptions, still rang inside Saekul's mind. They woke up, a long lost, forgotten feelings. Those principles he was forced to cast aside. Thorin was right, elf knew this much. But would it be wise to even think about venturing this way. Placing everything he worked for to risk. Endangering his reputation, career and probably his life. Saekul was brave, but not stupid. He would have to think about it for a long time, if he was to decide to act.

Funeral procession was about to end, as first of the townsfolk began to leave the cemetery. But the elf was in no hurry. Instead, he went up the nearing hilltop. One look at a graveyard filled Saekul's heart with pain. So many young lives extinguished, the soldiers he knew. So many died, and always for the same reason.

"It's good to see you again, my old friend." a calm voice came from behind the elf.

Saekul turned around quickly, he would have recognized it amongst the thousands. Just a few feet away from him, stood a tall, masked figure.

"Vlaazh? What are you doing here?" elf asked "I thought I'd never see you again, after those unfortunate events back in the south."

"Oh you know, it's always business with me. And so it happens to be, my next one is in your little town."

"You could've visited any time."

"Don't know if that would be wise, because of our past." vard said "Besides, as I said, I am always keeping myself occupied with something."

"Tell me then, what are you doing here?" Saekul nodded, "Perhaps, I could be of help."

"I see, you are still a soldier."

"I am a commander now."

"Well then, I'm in luck." Vlaazh said "Perhaps you could help me."

"Where are you going? I'd gladly show you the way." elf turned around, but vard was not moving.

"It'll be best if you stay clear."

"What is that suppose to mean?" Saekul took two steps back "For your own good, I hope I misunderstood you."

"You heard me just fine, elf." Vlaazh said calmly "It would be even better, if you'd remove all of your guards from the streets."

"That's one dangerous game you are playing, my friend. Please tell me you are not serious, or this could get real ugly."

"Not a joke, Saekul." vard suddenly removed the hood off his head "But a very, very important meeting, which I'll attend, with or without your help."

Elf startled a bit, seeing a familiar face of councilor Xavnier Gloir. Only difference was in their stature and height, but vard's body just began to adjust. Transformation, Saekul saw once before, a long time ago, was over in just a couple of seconds.

"What are you up to?" the elf asked "Why did you take the councilor's appearance?"

"Whole world is changing. Can't you feel it?" Vlaazh was purposely enigmatic "Tonight it all begins, here in this city."

"I forgot how tiresome it is, to talk with your kind." Saekul shook his head "Why did you come to Vallsynk?"

"To terminate the councilors." vard said without hesitation.

Elf tilted his head, he couldn't believe Vlaazh just said that. This had to be some strange, twisted joke. Vard must've been mad for even thinking about it. But if this was true, Saekul knew he'd have almost no chance at all to stop them.

"It seems your world has already changed." the elf said "If I remember correctly, you used to save lives. And now, it seems that you are taking them."

"Well observed, my friend." Vlaazh nodded "We were forced to adapt, not that it was hard, considering our particular skill set."

"Who's behind this?" the elf was quick to ask "Who's paying for these, what do you call them, changes?"

"I am tempted to tell you, I am." vard let barely noticeable sigh "Instead, I'll give you a small advice. Loyalty is an admirable trait, but you should start thinking for yourself."

"Is it Eilonna?" Saekul asked nervously.

Vard was silent.

"Why did you tell me all of this?" The elf looked towards Vallsynk.

"Someone thought it would be wise to let you in on it." Vard smiled "Someone who trusts you."

Who could it be? Saekul was now completely clueless. Who had the audacity to attack the mighty council? Who had the means? And someone he knew. Perhaps someone from his past.

"You plan to kill all four of them?" Saekul's face frowned.

"One must remain." Vlaazh said.

"Xavnier?" the elf whispered, realizing why vard chose the halfling's appearance.

"It's time." Vlaazh nodded "Hope we can meet again, soon, my friend."

Vard turned around towards the town. Several masked figures soon joined him. Hidden in a nearby grove, they waited patiently for the return of their leader. In mere seconds, they were out of Saekul's sight. The night was nearing, there was but a few minutes of light left. Gust of wind brought the fresh scent of pine trees and sweet oozing sap. Elf let a barely audible sigh, as he too headed for Vallsynk. It would probably be for the best to sleep this over.

              Saekul was just a few yards away from his doorstep, when he suddenly stopped. Vard's warning was genuine, telling him not to meddle. To stay away, or die. Elf looked up to the skies, sighing. This was a seemingly very easy decision. It would be, if it weren't for his brother, Enepel Zaanven. Saekul at least had to try and save the elven councilor. Couple of seconds later, he was running towards the northern district of the town. Towards the Zanveen's manor.

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