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Narrow, torch-lit tunnel led all the way to the spacious square, situated in the exact center of Khoill. It was unkempt, filthy and overgrown in moss. It painted the picture of chaotic state that befell over orcs of this town. Phall somehow managed to control them for several months, if not a year, completely severing their day to day activities. And now that the effects of his magical curse were broken, orcs had to find a way back to their routines. To come to realization, they've lost a significant part of their lives. Beside that, many of their friends and family members seemed to be missing. Horrific, everyday sacrificing, in which Phall fed his hunger for blood and murder, didn't missed out a single family.

In that sad, morbid surrounding, orcs had to find a way to carry on. For Ghnot, Uggut's brother, days ahead will be extremely difficult and hard. Khoill chieftain had a task, and a duty, to visit every family that had lost someone. To try and help them find some comfort and relief, in this quite painful situation. But before that, he felt obligated in welcoming their saviors. And with one of them being his younger brother, made him filled with pride.

Heavy doors on the entrance to a large cottage, made from stone and wood, were nailed shut. Several symbols were written in blood, all over the doorway and wall. Cleaned, human skull was pinned in the middle of it. To serve as a warning for everyone trying to enter the chieftain's residence. Couple of well placed strikes, opened the doors in a loud shriek. Stifling, stale air, coming from the inside was everything but pleasant. Sudden flow of fresh air, swirled the cloud of dust from the floor.

At the end of the hall was a somewhat modest throne, sitting on a three stairs high, wooden podium. On the wall behind the king's seat, covered in black, bear hide, hanged several various weapons and shields. Couple of the king's attendants cleaned the room a bit. Five minutes later, Ghnot could finally, and in official capacity, receive his guests. After many, long months, he was again sitting on his throne. Despite all of this tragedy, the king allowed one sour smile escape from the corner of his mouth.

"Please come in my dear friends." Ghnot waved his hand "Let me once again show my deepest appreciation, in the names of all of us you freed today."

"May those who weren't of such luck, finally find their rest." Roshnak bowed "Use those memories of them as a spur, as a motive, to rebuild your homes."

"Thank you my friend." the king answered immediately, turning towards his brother "Uggut, I'm glad to see you."

"Chieftain, let me introduce you to my king." sorcerer from Zhinnaeg took a step forward, bowing almost all the way to the ground "This is Grodish of Vur-Pan, slayer of Broolg, ruler of Zhinnaeg."

Ghnot almost jumped out of his chair, hearing that Broolg had lost his crown. It was surprising, even shocking news. But, not as much as the realization that this half-breed became the new king. Uggut brought them here with a reason. Freeing them from the Phall's grasp wasn't the only one. If half-orc came for his crown too, Ghnot was prepared to defend it till his last, dying breath.

"Welcome to Khoill." the chieftain said warily "Beside the obvious, may I be blunt in asking for your intentions."

"Direct and straight to the point." Grodish retorted "Beside the obvious, we came with a request in mind."

"I am listening."

"Recent developments in Tanmar, made us come here, hoping we could find a common ground, in an attempt of uniting the orcs once again." Grodish said "Otherwise, I'm afraid to think what will become of us."

"I know we were, how to say, out of everything happening around us, for the past several months." the chieftain retorted "But before that, I'm not remembering any signs of troubles anywhere in the swamp."

"Goblins would certainly disagree, after what humans did to them." half-orc said "It's a matter of time before they decide to turn their intentions toward us."

"Then let them come." Ghnot grinned broadly.

"And that's precisely our concern." Roshnak added "If humans attack us, while we are divided, they'll wipe us from these parts."

"You base this on the deaths of several goblins?" Ghnot waved his hand "Raising so much fuss over those rats. Even you Uggut?"

"Listen to them brother." Zhinnaeg's sorcerer retorted bit timidly "In Nual-Deu lived a bit more, than handful of goblins."

"W...what?!" Khoill chieftain knew how large and strong, the goblin's underground city was.

If humans did destroy it, these visitors must've been thinking the threat was real.

"How do you know all of this?" Ghnot asked after short thinking.

"Incidentally. We found ourselves nearby, when humans attacked." Grodish retorted "Goblins stood no chance at all, facing such a deadly, merciless force."

"What compelled humans to do such a thing? Usually, they are the ones upholding the peace."

"Few lousy loads of ore, goblins stole before." Roshnak said.

"Now that's more like them." Ghnot's face frowned. "Humans always find those shiny stones and gold, much more important, than their own lives. Or lives of the others."

"Precisely why, we must hit them where it hurts the most." half-orc said with passion.

"And that would be?" Khoill chieftain asked.

"Their mining town Gollvin." Grodish said "That is the source of all the troubles in Tanmar. Once it falls under our control, all of the quarrels should subside."

"They would escalate more likely." Ghnot said "Humans couldn't stand that humiliation They would attack us with everything they got, just to regain the right to that mine."

"And they will fail." half-orc retorted.

"I am afraid, all the orcs of Tanmar wouldn't be enough to hold such a siege." Khoill king said warily.

"With a bit of reinforcements from Chaygor, we could." Roshnak said.

"From Chaygor?!" Ghnot startled "Chaygor abandoned us, forgot about us. Who can guarantee the help from the homeland?"

"A word from the guardian of the northern pass, should be more than enough." Grodish said looking at Roshnak "What orc would dare to refuse the summon from him."

"Guardian of the northern pass?!" Khoill chieftain was in shock, once he realized who the orc in front of him was.

For Roshnak Baanar, knew every child, let alone a grown up. With his deeds, he earned the respect of everyone in Chaygor.

"I am forever in your debt, master Roshnak." Ghnot said standing up from his throne "Khoil is with you."

Loud sigh of relief escaped from Uggut's mouth, as he rushed to hug his brother. No one was happier than him, at this moment. Not even Grodish. Half-orc could now breathe a bit easier. Everything was going according to the plan, for now. But still, he could not relax, something might go wrong at any time. His entire life was filled with obstacles. He learned to always expect the worst, even when everything seemed fine. Those kinds of experiences were quite useful, Grodish appreciated them a lot. They made him the person he is today. Grief for the lost home and family was a burden, but also a driving force behind his every decision. Half-orc knew he couldn't give it a rest, while his mother's killer was still alive. Once he exacts his vengeance, he will be able to continue with his life.

"Come on son." Roshnak said "Let's head back to Zhinnaeg. There's still much to do."

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