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In and around the burnt rubbles of mercantile guild's building gathered quite a lot of townsfolk. Wishing to find out more about the unfortunate events of the night before, they were making quite a ruckus. Several soldiers unsuccessfully tried to keep them at a safe distance. Despite all of the fires being put under control, there was still a danger from possible collapse of the two remaining walls.

But it seemed, people did not mind these warnings. Opportunity to find out more, or something new about the accident, was a good enough reason for the risk. Two of the most powerful persons in Vallsynk lost their lives that night, and once the rumors surrounding their deaths started circulating, there was nothing stopping ever so curious townsfolk. Suspicion of foul play at large grew even more, once the name of councilor Enepel Zaanven got thrown in the thick of it.

By morning, everyone in Vallsynk was acquainted with the rumor, significantly complicating Xavnier's affairs. Hidden behind the heavy, brown curtain, halfling was anxiously peeking through the window of the mansion, looking at the main square. Last night's turbulent events made him the sole councilor of the mercantile guild, but Xavnier felt unsure if he was ready to take on with that commitment. Eilonna's sweet talking, her intoxicating way of making promises and vows, gave him the courage and willingness to face the ordeals. But, this seminal upswing, this eagerness subsided a long time ago.

Strength of Vallsynk was in direct correlation with its mercantile council, of which halfling became a full fledged member, more than three decades ago. And in that time, he never had to change his routines. Rules and guidelines were set in place, as a way to divide the responsibilities and workload amongst the councilors. This left a lot of time for Xavnier, to do numerous ongoings he had on the side.

Eilonna's tempting offer seemed ideal at the time. But, halfling eventually began to realize, he would never have the freedom or time necessary for continuation of his affairs. Someone else might've had to take over the role of managing the merchant's guild. Mere thought of that, made halfling malaise from nausea. He had to find a way to keep the guild under his control.

Xavnier spent almost the entire night contemplating every possible outcome. With every passing minute, he was more and more unsure about the decisions he made. But, there was no turning back. Councilors were dead. It was up to him to take over the ruling of the city. Eilonna did offer him some help, which he would probably need. But, he wasn't eager to ask her for it. Halfling had to think hard, before meeting with councilor Falkner.

The way and ease in which Eilonna eliminated his associates, showed Xavnier how powerful she truly was. Surely it wasn't a coincidence, she picked him, being the one with the least allies among those with high positions. There was a time when he looked at the rest of the councilors with ridicule, as they were trying to please all of those potentates from the south. That did not matter to him, at all.

But now, everything has changed. He had to do the same exact things. And because of that, halfling now wished he'd listened to all of the advice from the other councilors. He could certainly use the help and backing from a trusted ally. For now, Xavnier could not make himself to trust councilor Falkner. His gut feeling was telling him Eilonna was hiding something. The way she approached him with the plan of the assassination, so blunt, and without the reservation, must have meant someone else, much more powerful was involved. Xavnier knew he couldn't trust anyone, until he found out more.

Consolidating his position and stature was a priority. He will play his part in Eilonna's plan, for now. He had to prove himself, he is ready to be the lord of Vallsynk. And this was the perfect opportunity to do so. Crowd gathered around the main town square was eager for answers, Xavnier knew he would be the one answering them.

Silent knocking on the door, interrupted the pensive halfling. He nearly tore one of the curtains, as he jumped surprised.

"My apologies, sir. Sorry to bother you." through the ajar doors stick out the balding head of his personal butler "Guardsmen are reporting on Issurk's delegation immediate arrival."

Xavnier knew the moment he dreaded for the entire morning, finally came. It was his duty to welcome lady Eilonna in the official capacity. And that would've meant the confrontation with all of those prying townsfolk, gathered around the town square.

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