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The overall mood in Thirel post tensed, once the rumors of a possible forming of a retaliation battalion spread through the fort. In these circumstances, even the slightest of disagreements could prove to be disruptive to the entire army. Having that in mind, Thorin was planning in advance, not because of his soldiers, but for those that were almost certain to arrive from the southern cities. Their disagreement worried captain Lutir, to the point in which he seriously considered launching the attack without them. Locked in the command barrack, he combed through the thousands of scouting reports, separating all of those containing any information about goblins.

It was the middle of the day, when the two dozen heavy armored horsemen entered the fort. They were led by the same young soldier that Thorin had sent for Gollvin. They surely took no time, nor any rest to get here. On their tower shields, drawn in bright red color, stood three rubies, the symbol of their mining town. They looked intimidating, covered from head to toe, in black, iron armors. But the loud creaking sounds, they let with every single move, elicit the smiles from the Thirel fort soldiers.

"Where is the fort's commander?" the apparent leader asked, ignoring the laughter "The elite squadron of Gollvin swordsmen are answering the call."

"It's the captain of the fort!" Thorin yelled from the half opened doors of the commander barracks "Please come in."

"And my men?"

"I believe the barracks to the right are empty, my soldiers will tend to your horses."

"Much obliged, sir." the horseman answered politely "Lieutenant Elben Sartain, at your disposal."

"How many more soldiers could we expect from Gollvin, in the coming days?" Thorin asked as they were sitting behind a massive, wooden table in the middle of the room.

"Well this is it.'' The lieutenant said taking his helmet off "But I can assure you, one Gollvin soldier is worth more than a dozen of those southern bastards. To tell you the truth, our leaders had a debate regarding our involvement."

"What's there to debate?'' Captain Lutir couldn't believe what he heard "Your people got slaughtered, they stole your carts, your livelihood. And were planning what? To look away?"

"Well no, of course not..."

"And I'm expected to send my soldiers to die, for those few nuggets of gold."

"You don't understand..."

"Gold and gems for those fat councilmen from the south." Thorin said madly "I was expecting such a response from them, but not from you."

"We are nothing like them, captain." Elben sounded genuinely offended "Gollvin simply doesn't have enough manpower. My squadron has absolutely everything we are prepared to spare, otherwise our town's defense would be stretched thin."

"You are telling me that, as if I am not facing the same problems."

"I understand, but you must consider our isolation. We're in the constant fear of orcs, whose war drums sound louder than ever."

"Our scouting reports are telling me, there is nothing to it. Those are nothing more than their annual, spring welcoming celebrations." Thorin waved away "Knowing their ways, a couple of months will pass, before they decide to end it."

"Perhaps what you are saying is true, but that doesn't change our dire situation." Elben said "One of the reasons for me coming here is to ask for possible reinforcements that you could spare in exchange for..."

"What?!" Thorin yelled "How am I supposed to do that?"

"Well, after all of this, we could negotiate with you, for a couple of small units at first..."

"Our assignments will remain the same, as long as the existing treaty is valid." Captain Lutir said "This fort is half empty as it is. Our reinforcements are scarce, and dependent on the Issurk's and Vallsynk's councilmen."

"I haven't realized, we share the same problem." the lieutenant finally gave in "Everything begins and ends with those bloody councils. When do you expect their answer?"

"I'm afraid it's still too soon." Thorin waved, "I've sent a couple of couriers, but knowing them, it could take a month before they reach a decision."

"So it seems, we'll have some time to get acquainted." Elkul smiled "Now, if you don't mind, I'd like to join my soldiers, and perhaps later take a tour of the fort."

Thorin nodded, escorting the lieutenant out of the room: He watched as he went across the yard, and into the barracks. Rattling and creaking of his armor matched every single step he took. Captain Lutir felt a bit bad, raising the voice at his younger combatant. But the constant political games, hidden agendas and unjust arrangements, led him to a point when he simply had to let some steam off.

"Damn bureaucrats:" Thorin grumbled, waving one of the soldiers to come closer "Notify the cook to prepare about twenty more portions. And then ask our guests if they are willing to take a visit to the smithy. Their armors will alarm all the goblins of Tanmar, if left in this sorry state."

Soldier smiled, saluted, and turned straight away towards the fort's kitchen, leaving his still somber captain. Thorin leaned his back onto the barracks wall, watching towards the south. There, just some forty miles or so, stood a large, harbor city of Vallsynk. Controlled by four members of the trading council, it was one of the most developed, stable and wealthiest towns. Even in comparison to those to the far south, on the other side of Kabial. Its constant, fast growth, drew numerous travelers, merchants and adventurers, eager to make easy profits.

But the expansion also had its drawbacks. All of the sudden, councilors were facing diverse demands, of which they had no means to oversee. In a desperate attempt to bring order, they've granted the permits for various guilds. Farmers, fishermen, hunters, sailors, miners, even the military, wanted their rightful share. And for the right percentage, greedy councils allowed their founding. By doing so, they unknowingly let a few criminal enterprises initiate their affairs in Vallsynk.

The council was mainly dependent on the regular influx of raw materials from Gollvin. But as they were contractually obligated to share the load with Issurk, this proved to be the biggest nuisance. Numerous tries to dispute the document's validity ended in failure. Courtesy of Issurk's high councilor, Eilonna Falkner. Fact that she also had some influence in the couple of Vallsynk guilds, complicated the situation even more. Because of these circumstances, messages that Thorin sent to councils put both of the sides to the test.

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